The WOD's
WOD: Wednesday
Today is the final re-test from our initial tests we performed in April. Please come along today to compare to your last scores, or to set bench mark to compare to in the future.
Your previous results can be found – here.
Perform the following challenges in any order:
– Toes to Bar: Max reps 90 seconds
– Box Jumps: Max reps 90 seconds (24/20″ box)
– Double-unders: Max reps 90 seconds
– Farmers Carry: Max unbroken distance carried (20/10kg weight plate pinch grip)
– Chest to Bar Pull-ups: Max reps 90 seconds
– Hand Release Push-ups: Max reps 90 seconds
– 10m Shuttle Run: Max distance in 60 seconds (3 point contact at each turn)
WOD: Tuesday
WOD: Monday
WOD: Saturday
50 Wall Ball 10/6kg
50 Walking Lunge Steps
50 Step ups 24/20″
50 KB Swings 24/16kg
50 Burpees (jump and touch)
50 Double-unders
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
50 Push-ups
50 Shuttle Run 10m
50m Bear Crawl.
*Perform the work as an individual, in pairs or in threes.
*If performing in pairs or threes only 1 person works at a time.
*35 min cut off.
5/10-4/8-3/6-2/4-1/2 reps of:
Overhead Squat 80/50kg (taken from ground)
150 Wall Ball 9/6kg
50 Burpee Box Jump overs 24/20″
WOD: Friday
WOD: Thursday
A. 10 rounds of:
3 Front Squats
5-8 Box Jumps
*Not for time – keep moving as best as possible but don’t sacrifice weight on the bar to get the work done fast.
*Front Squats should be heavy but repeatable. Same weight across.
*Box Jumps should be rebounding and unbroken – pick a height that allows you to practice good movement.
B. 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Plank Hold (seconds)
WOD: Wednesday
With a constantly running clock:
At 0:00
10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Strict Pull-up (chest to bar for advanced athletes)
Ring Dip
At 10:00
Five rounds of:
Run 200m
15 Toes to Bar
At 20.00
100 KB Swings 24/16kg
*Rx’d depends on finishing the first two sections within the allotted time (10 min).
*Your final score is when you finish the KB Swings.
WOD: Tuesday
WOD: Monday
Nutrition: Well done to everybody who completed the Nutrition Challenge for the month of May. We will be following you up for a final consultation and to ask for feedback on the Challenge over the course of the week. Look out for a detailed summary of the challenge once we have had a chance to review everyone’s progress in the coming days.
Clash on the Coast: The first three of fifteen event released videos will be published on our YouTube channel and on our Facebook page today. Start preparing your teams!
Today’s workout is a re-test from Tuesday, April 22nd. You can find your last results – here. Please do your best to come in for the re-test as it not only allows you to individually measure your progress but provides us with an opportunity to collect some valuable data with respect to how we program your training.
Perform the following challenges in any order:
3RM Front Squat
1RM Power Clean
2RM Push Press
1RM Weighted Pull-up/Chin-up
*There are no time limits on any of the challenges however you should aim to complete them all in within the session. Combine the Power Clean and Push Press to save time if you wish.