WOD: Tuesday
Nutrition: Please try to put as much detail into your food diaries as possible – the more information we have, the more we can help you. You don’t have to get the scales and measuring cups out for each meal but some sort of guide on quantity helps us a lot. For example Dinner: 2 Chicken Thighs, large plate of stirfry veggies (capsicum, tomato, sweet potato, broccoli) cooked in a generous amount of coconut oil.
A. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps Pendlay Row.
*Increment the weight every two sets. For example, reps 10 & 9 @ 70kg, 8 & 7 @ 75kg, 6 & 5 @ 80kg, 4 & 3 @ 85kg, 2 & 1 @ 90kg. Obviously lighter lifters would need to use smaller increments than the example but hopefully you get the idea.
*Superset each round with max reps Double unders in 30 seconds.
*15 minute cut off.
B. AMRAP in 7 minutes of Toes to Bar
*Each time you come off the bar perform 10 candlesticks.