The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Partnered WOD- Come on in and have some FUN?

Good luck to Renee who is aiming to qualify for the State Swimming titles today.

…Read More

WOD: Monday

A. Work to an 8RM Shoulder Press
*Be sure to complete at least 4 sets at 90% or more.
*Working from the ground.

B. Partner WOD:
AMRAP in 10 min. of:
3 Shoulder to Overhead 60/40kg
10 Pull-ups
*One Barbell (unless mixed genders)
*Only one partner on the pull-up bar at a time.

Friday November 7th, 2013

Bring sally up

A. On the minute for 15 minutes:
Kettlebell Swing
*Choose from the following reps schemes:
*Feel free to scale up the pull-up to C2B or Muscle-up.
*You must perform the same reps scheme and complete all reps within each minute to retain rx’d.

B. After multiple requests:
Bring Sally Up – Push-up version. (watch video)
*Disclaimer: I think this is really stupid and I really hate this song.

Post rep scheme/movements/load and total number of Push-ups completed successfully to comments.