The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

EMOM for 20 minutes:
1 Power Snatch
2 Snatch Balance
3 Overhead Squat
*The aim for this workout is to increment your weight four times across the 20 rounds. For rounds 1-5 use a load that you can move easily (about 50% of 1RM Snatch) and then add weight at rounds 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20. The last 5 rounds should be close to maximal with consideration given to the volume or work and movements used.

Post loads and rounds completed successfully to comments.

WOD: Wednesday

6 x 400m Run
*Aim not to deviate more than 10 seconds from your fastest time.
*Work:Rest = 1:1

Before you decide to make today a rest day have a think about the overall concept of what we’re training for – increased ability in a wide variety of disciplines. This means that we must workout short and long, light and heavy, inside and outside, in the cold and the heat and with a broad range of exercises.
Like it or not, running is one of the most effective ways to develop cardio vascular conditioning and represents a weakness in most peoples repertoire. So, ignore that little voice in your head that is telling you otherwise and get your running shoes on!

WOD: Tuesday

Happy Birthday to Jesse Saliba today!

Testing Day 1
Perform the following challenges in any order with as much rest as you see fit in between.
– Toes to Bar: Max reps 90 seconds
– Box Jumps: Max reps 90 seconds (24/20″ box)
– Double-unders: Max reps 90 seconds
– Farmers Carry: Max unbroken distance carried (20/10kg weight plate pinch grip)
– Chest to Bar Pull-ups: Max reps 90 seconds
– Hand Release Push-ups: Max reps 90 seconds
– 10m Shuttle Run: Max distance in 60 seconds (3 point contact at each turn)

WOD: Monday

For load and time:
40 KB Squat 24/16kg (see picture)
40 Burpees (instructional video – here)
20 Front Squats (choose own load)
40 Burpees
40 KB Squat
*Front squats are taken from the ground.
*20 min cut off.

Tips: It’s likely that the load for your front squat is going to be limited by your clean – so when choosing your weight for the front squat consider how much weight you expect to be able to clean with the fatigue of the previous work under your belt.

WOD: Saturday

Pick ONE of the following benchmark workouts:
*If you’re scaling, pick the workout that needs the least modification.

A couple of the Coastal Crew performing Fran at the CF Logic Open day.


WOD: Friday

A. Work to a 3RM Hang Power Clean (must be linked) (15 min).

B. EMOM for 10 minutes:
5 Hang Power Clean (must be linked)
Burpees (see tutorial – here)
*Score = total weight/total burpees.

Tips: When picking your weight for Part B, remember that this is a conditioning workout. The aim is to be able to pick the bar up at the start of each minute and perform 5 consecutive hang power cleans (not reverse curls) and then continue to work for the rest of the minute.

Thanks to Knight Photography for the photo.



WOD: Thursday

A. 12 min to work to a 3RM Front Squat (from the ground)

B. 4 x 3 minute rounds:
Run 400m
Max UB reps (1. Pull-ups 2. Push-ups 3. Toes to Bar 4. Squats)
Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Thanks to Knight Photography for the Photo.

WOD: Wednesday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Bench Press
Weighted Lunge (10 per leg, 9 per leg etc.)
*25 min cut off.

Tips: This workout is NOT for time – take your time and pick loads that are challenging. The aim is to go as heavy as possible but to remain unbroken throughout the sets. This should be achievable if you monitor your rest. The preference if you are going heavy in the lunge is to use a barbell in the back rack.

Thanks to Knight Photography for the picture.

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400m
20 Kettlebell Swings (1 arm/Russian)
10 Evil Wheels
*Perform 10 KBs on one arm before changing.
*25 min. cut off.

Thanks to Knight Photography for the photo.

WOD: Monday

A. Each 90 seconds for 10 rounds:
1 round of snatch deadlift + hang power snatch + snatch balance + overhead squat.
*Aim to increment towards a max for the day.
*Tutorial video – here)

B. 21-15-9 reps for time of:
Snatch Balance 30/20kg (heaving snatch balance is acceptable)
*10 min cut off.