The WOD's
WOD: Saturday
WOD: Friday
AMRAP in 25 minutes of:
Farmers Carry
Overhead Carry
*Choose your own load for both movements.
*The course for the workout is the short loop (out the back door/in the front door).
Tips: Pick sensible loads for the FC and OHC that allow you to perform the distance with a maximum of 2-3 breaks per round. Think about maintaining good posture for each movement i.e. chest/eyes up, scapula retracted and shoulders elevated for the FC and shoulders active, elbows locked, neutral spine and Lats engaged overhead.
WOD: Thursday
Five rounds for load of:
1 Shoulder Press
3 Push Press
5 Push Jerk
*Superset with a max effort set of Strict Pull-ups (see video here)
*All 9 barbell movements need to be performed in a single set.
*Correct movement is to be used eg. no push jerking the push press or push pressing the strict press.
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
*Aim to increment the weight on each round.
Tips: Be incremental in your weight choice with this complex. Remember that the shoulder press is a very finite movement that is limited by small muscle groups – small jumps mean big differences in difficulty.
Don’t forget your breathing – this is a potent complex that will leave you puffing like you just sprinted 400m. The challenge is to set your breath to aid with stability through the trunk while getting enough air in to see you get through the nine reps. Enjoy.
WOD: Wednesday
Working on the minute, complete 4 cycles of:
Back Squat 8 reps
Toes to Bar 30 seconds (see video)
Weighted Lunge 10 reps (5 per leg)
Strict Abmat Sit-up 30 seconds
*I.e Back Squats start at 0.00, T2B start at 1.00, Weighted Lunge start at 2.00 and Sit-ups start at 3.00.
*You must stay within the cycle for rx’d.
*Choose your own load for Back Squat and Lunge – must be maintained.
Post loads and reps to comments.
WOD: Tuesday
*A foam roller has disappeared from the gym – if anyone has taken it home by accident, could you please bring it back.
*Don’t forget to log your scores for 14.2 – the deadline is 11.00am Tuesday.
A. Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
B. AMRAP in 10 min:
7 Deadlift (see video here)
30 Mountain Climbers
*Partner workout – partners must change every 30 seconds.
*Choose your own load for the deadlift – see below.
Tips: For Part A – after warming up take strictly seven sets to find a 3 rep max for the day. These reps are NOT to be done touch and go and you should take a good few seconds to ensure the correct start position before going for the 2nd and 3rd reps. For the deadlifts in part B pick a load that is heavy enough not to take for granted but not so heavy that you would expect to have to break up the sets – somewhere around 1RM Clean would be the suggestion. An advanced athlete may be able to get a round out in each 30 second work interval which equates to 70 reps in 10 minutes – take this (total volume of work) into account when you choose your load.
WOD: Monday
Five x 3 min rounds:
Run 400m
M.E. Push-ups (watch video)
*Push-ups must be continuous and unbroken.
*Scale up the push-ups if you can do more than 30/20 in a single set.
Post reps to comments.
Rest Day or Open 14.2
We are validating Open Workouts from 2-4pm today. Last Sunday we expected only a few people but ended up with a huge turn out of athletes and supporters. This is what we love and what it is all about!!! Please come on in and cheer on your fellow team mates then stay for a couple of drinks by the water.
Thanks to Knight photography for the photo https://www.facebook.com/pages/Knight-Photography/152403084920938.
WOD: Saturday
Today we are validating CrossFit Open workout 14.2 from 7-9am. Please come along to cheer on your fellow team mates even if you’re not competing today. Last weekend was a great event and everyone that attended felt how great our community is. Lets get together for another great morning. Please remember there will be a BBQ breakfast, coffee and cupcakes for sale to raise money for the Kokoda Challenge Team. We hope to see you there!
Please be sure to have watched this video before coming in for your workout.
WOD: Friday
Get Fired UP!! The announcement for the second workout of the CrossFit Open is at 11.00am today. Please don’t forget our schedule changes to accommodate the judging process for this event. Come down from 3:00pm to cheer on your fellow CrossFitters and stay for a couple of beverages afterwards. Hope to see you there.
Five, 90 second rounds of:
10 Lateral Burpees
7 Hang Power Clean 70/45kg
Max reps Double-unders
*Rest 90 sec. between rounds.
*Post total Double-unders to comments.