WOD: Monday
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
50 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Thrusters 50/35kg
10 Muscle-ups
Post rounds and reps to comments.
Today’s workout is a retest from January – think back to how you hit this one and use that experience to work out a better strategy for your second attempt. Ideally with your improved conditioning and a better strategy we should see significant improvements on your previous result.
My advice is to hit the burpees at a steady and sustainable pace that will allow you to do all 50 reps without a break. Then, take a good few breaths before you pick up the bar for the thrusters and aim for a large but not maximal first set. After that, stay accountable about getting back on the bar but don’t be in such a rush that you are only doing a couple of reps at a time.
For the Muscle-ups, the aim is not to work to failure (unless you can do all 10 unbroken of course) – a failed rep is going to cost time and energy that you can’t afford at this stage and sticking to a sensible plan here could save you a big chunk of time.
Finally if you make it to the second set of burpees – just keep moving!