The WOD's
WOD: Saturday
Both 7am & 8am Sessions are on. Be sure to book in.
A. Handstand skills
B. Incrementing ladder in 16 minutes:
1 Wall Walk
2 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
20 Squats
*Increment Wall walks x 1, Chest to bar x 2 per round
WOD: Friday
A. 20 minutes:
Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
*Move through with technique focus.
B. 3 cycles:
Minute on/minute off:
Max Power Cleans *
*Choose your own weight.
Photo: Josh has been a great part of our community for many years. We will definitely be sad to see him go, but wish him the best of luck as he takes on a new doctor role in Ipswich next week. You’ll always be a part of Coastal CrossFit. We look forward to seeing you when you are up this way.
WOD: Thursday
For time:
Run 1.6km
40/30 Push-ups
Sandbag carry 180m
40/30 Push-ups
Sandbag carry 180m
40/30 Push-ups
Run 1.6km
Photo: It is great to see Billie back in the gym. Thank you @GranWillamsPhoto
WOD: Wednesday
Two rounds:
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
Bike 1000m
Max V-ups
Rest 4 minutes (complete 60 second plank during rest)
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
Row 500m
Max Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
Rest 4 minutes (Complete 45 second Flexed arm hang during rest)
Photo: A great photo of Luka. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhoto
WOD: Tuesday
Welcome back everyone- it was great to see so many people back in today!!!
For time:
Burpee Pull-ups (1-3-6-9-12-15-21)
Double-unders (10-30-60-90-120-150-210)
20 minutes cut-off
Photo: It has been a while since we saw this beautiful man in the box. Looking forward to having you back Dob.
We are back to full schedule.
If we haven’t seen you in the box yet it is time to get back into routine.
We look forward to seeing you all back in the box this week.
A. Seven rounds:
3 Front Squats + 3 Back Squats
*Increment or hold load
*Re rack between Front Squat and Back Squat.
B. Partner workout:
10 Rounds:
10 Thrusters 40/30kg (Intermediate 35/25kg)
* Aim for unbroken thrusters
*YGIG format – both partners complete 100 reps.
*12 minute cap.
Photo: For those looking for a bit of an extra challenge this year CrossFit competition season is not to far away. We have Masters HQ & Masters League kicking off soon. Our biggest competition of the year CrossFit Open kicks off 29th February CrossFit Open Registration
Wishing Nata a wonderful weekend as she completes her CrossFit Level 1. Nata we are so excited to have you on board with us and know you bring so much to our crew as a coach. Enjoy every moment!!!
Luke will be taking both 7am & 8am sessions. Please ensure you have booked in.
A. Deadlift – Build to a triple in advance of workout weight
B. Seven rounds for time:
7 Deadlift 100/70kg (Int 80/55kg) (60/40kg)
10 Push-ups/Dips/Handstand Push-ups
20 Air Squat
20 minute incrementing ladder:
1 Muscle-up
Run 180m
2 Muscle-ups
Run 180m
3 Muscle-ups
Run 180m
*Continue with format increasing Muscle-ups x 1 rep each round.
Photo: Suns out, Guns out!!
The man, the legend, the leader of the gun club – Lloyd (aka Eldo).
Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhoto
Five to Seven cycles, each for time:
3 Wall Walks
6 Power Snatch (Aim touch & go) 42.5kg/30kg
12 Box Jumps over 20″/24″
Rest 2 minutes
*Advanced athletes complete seven rounds.
Photo: Sophie during the “12 Days of Christmas”. What an amazing young lady. Already Sophie has accomplished so much, and it is just the beginning. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhoto