WOD: Friday
Join Danielle at 5:30am & 6:30am or
Brett at 9:15am, 4pm (Open Gym), 5pm WOD–
We are happy to have Brett back at Coastal to assist us over the week.
Brett is one of the most experienced CrossFit Coaches around – Level 4 (CrossFit seminar staff) and an all round great guy!!
I would encourage you to join in his classes – you are sure to learn and get some great tips from him.
Two rounds for time:
Run 560m
50 Wall Ball 9/6kg 10′
25 V-ups
50 Ball Slams 12/9kg (Adv 20kg/12kg)
150 Double-unders (advanced 90 drag rope)
Bike 1200m/Row 560m
*Half athletes start on bike/half on row. Alternate movements each round.
*30minute cap
Photo: Congratulations to Kaity for completing the 12 Days of Christmas for the first time.