The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Bring your long socks or wear tights. Both 7am & 8am will be running- Be sure to book in!! A. Rope Climb Skills B. EMOM x 20 minutes Min 1: 'X' Rope Climb Min 2: 'X' Lunge (Goblet) Min 3: Run 180m Min 4: Rest *Note: Scaling options are always available. Photo: We are missing Dob, but happy to see he has found a place to CrossFit. Going back to basics and we love it!!

WOD: Friday

A. Five rounds, each for time:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 15 (22.5/15kg)
Row 400m/350m

Rest between rounds

Photo: Grant – Functional fitness at the Deni Ute Muster – his beer was safe!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Superset of:
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 *Controlled descent
‘X’ Pull-ups *

*’X’ Choose a pull movement and repetitions to maintain across all sets.

B. Opposing ladder:
Deadlift 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
*Deadlift weight should allow for unbroken movement.

Photo: Deb our Masters League 2024 poster girl. Looking great Deb!!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 10
‘X’ Wall Walks/Handstand Holds/Handstand Walks

B. Three rounds for time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders
12-10-8-6-4 Dumbbell Push Press
Rest 1:1

*Eg. If it takes you 3 minutes to complete round/rest for 3 mins.

Photo: Luke & Sally mastering gymnastic skills.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Warm up – Technique focus (10-12 minutes)
Hang Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5
*Build to a heavy/not maximal

B. “Nasty Girls”
Three rounds for time:

50 Air Squats
7 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 60/42.5kg

Check out the original girls completing “Nasty Girls” – Nicole, Eva and Annie.

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WOD: Monday

A. Overhead Squat Progression (Week 4)
5 x 2 (Tempo + Pause) + 3 OHS
*Weight 75-85% of 3RM.
*Tempo 3-2-1 (3 down-2 pause- 1 up)
*Maintain load across all sets

B. 15 minutes AMRAP:
50m Farmers Carry 2×24/16kg
20 second L-Sit
Run 180m

Photo: If you are looking for some inspiration- here he is!! Greggy at 73 has recently achieved 2nd in the Masters League in New Zealand. Always challenging himself and helping others do the same. He is a tour guide for Kokoda spirit and takes group on long hikes around the Coast and Hinterland. If this sounds like your thing or you want a challenge talk to Greg – and try to keep up 😜

WOD: Saturday

“Lest we forget”

We will be running one large 7am session. Lets get everyone together for a great hero WOD and breakfast afterwards. We hope to see you there.

CrossFit Hero WOD
AMRAP in 20minutes:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg

WOD: Friday

A. 7 cycles incrementing in load:
Back Squat x 3 + Front Squat x 5

B. Choose your own adventure:
Strength: Strict tempo shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (Increase or hold weight)
Cardio: 5 x 600m bike (all out) Rest between efforts
or Mobility.

Photo: CrossFitters on holidays… Of course you find your local box to get some sessions in. Awesome work Natalia!!!

WOD: Thursday

Partner workout:
Two rounds for max reps:
30 seconds on/30 seconds off
4 minutes: Wall ball 9/6kg
4 minutes: Sumo Deadlift High Pull 40/30kg
4 minutes: Box Jumps 24″/20″
4 minutes: Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg

Scale: 4 minutes on each station, share work anyhow.

Photo: More Masters League Spam- because we are so proud of their amazing efforts.
Deb has and continues to work so hard on improving her abilities in all areas. Her recent focus on Olympic lifting, double-unders and swimming saw her achieve so many personal bests during the Masters League competition. Your are an absolute SUPER STAR and so inspirational!!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. In 10 minutes:
Max Strict Pull-ups/Ring Row
Max Strict Handstand Push-ups/Dips/Push-ups

*Only balanced repetitions count. Eg. Score 50 = 50 Pull-ups/50 Push-ups

B. Four rounds for reps/cals:
Min 1: Bike
Min 2: Rest
Min 3: Row
Min 4: Rest
Min 5: Shuttle Run
Min 6: Rest

*Goal: Maintain highest number of cals/reps you can hold in the minute (across all rounds)
Scale: Max reps/cals completed.

Photo: Congratulations to Bodo who had been working on handstand walks in the lead up to the Masters Game. The feeling must have been great when you achieved what you thought you couldn’t.
This reminded me of an article written in 2013 about Bodo – Spitting Sparks
(definitely worth the read). Bodo you truly are a champion!!