The WOD's


It is all happening this week:
Our “12 Days of Christmas” workout will run this Friday night.
Saturday morning – Family Fun morning at the beach
Saturday night- Christmas Party at Paradise Rum Distillary.

A. Snatch Technique – 20-25 minutes
7-10 sets: (Power or Squat)
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch + OHS (Light load)

7-10 sets:
Hang Snatch + Snatch + OHS (Increment from light to moderate)

7-10 sets:
Snatch + OHS (Aim to hold heavy load across sets)

B. Tabata (8 rounds of 20seconds on/10 seconds off) * Record lowest score on any round.
*No rest between movements

WOD: Saturday

Reminder: Nata will be performing at the Buderim Carols this Sunday. This is a beautiful family evening, made even more special to see Nata in her element. Hope to see you all there!!!

Some Downunder Inspiration for a team WOD – grab your buddies.
Join Dob at 7am or 8am Sessions. Please ensure you have booked in.

In teams of 3-
Three cycles for time:
P1: 6 Wall Walks
P2: Front Support/Plank hold
P3: Run 180m

P1: 10 x Dumbbell Squats (2 x 22.5/15kg)
P2: 10 Front Squats 60/40kg
P3: 10 Deadball Squats 45/35kg

then rotate,

P3: 6 Wall Walks
P1: Front Support/Plank
P2: Run 180m

P3: 10 x Dumbbell Squats (2 x 22.5/15kg)
P1: 10 Front Squats 60/40kg
P2: 10 Deadball Squats 45/35kg

then rotate,

P2: 6 Wall Walks
P3: Front Support/Plank
P1: Run 180m

P2: 10 x Dumbbell Squats (2 x 22.5/15kg)
P3: 10 Front Squats 60/40kg
P1: 10 Deadball Squats 45/35kg

Note: Each partner starts at a different station. Once all partners complete their activity move onto synchronized squats. Following completion of Squats all partners rotate onto their next movement, then back onto Squats.

*Choose weights that are challenging but allow for unbroken efforts on squats.

WOD: Friday

A. Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes: Strict Pull-ups (1-2-3-4-5...) Run 180m B. Mobility Photo: Karla smashing Deadball over shoulder in our Masters & Apprentice comp. Photo courtesy of @GrantWilliamsPhoto

WOD: Thursday

A. 7-10 cycles
Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk (*Increment in load)

B. Seven rounds for time:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters 2×15/10kg
50 Double-unders (Drag rope x 30)

Thank you to Grant for sharing the link for Chris’s CrossFit hall of fame moment 😀
It was a special seeing Chloe competing on the same arena as her Dad (in 2012).

WOD: Wednesday

A. Turkish Get-ups 3RM
Work up in weight or work technique for 18 minutes

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Deadlift 80/55kg
10 Hand release Push-ups

*Advanced athletes scale up to 10 Dips/Handstand Push-ups

Photo: Downunder CrossFit Championship spam.

WOD: Tuesday

Partner Chipper:
Run 560m (Buy In- together)
100 Toes to Bar
100 Wall Ball 9/6kg
100 Burpees
100 Box Step-ups (2 x 15kg/2x10kg DB)
Run 560m (Buy out) * One partner is able to head off early.

*Share work anyhow between partners. Only 1 person working at a time.

*Advanced athletes- 25 reps before swapping with partner.

Photo: Downunder CrossFit Championship 2023 Future (16-19) podium winners. @Chloesaliba06 taking 2nd overall.

WOD: Monday

A. Five rounds (Superset)
Bench Press 10-12
Bent over row 10-12
*Maintain load across all sets

B. For time (with a partner)
Advanced 40-30-20-10 calories Bike/Row
Inter 30-25-20-10
Beginner 20-15-10-5
Each person does set of calories, while other partner rest. Both partners complete all efforts.

Photo: What a moment!! Chloe taking the win on the Handstand push-up workout @Downunder CrossFit Championships – Wollongong. An absolutely epic weekend!!! The FUTURES division (age 16-19) completing the same workouts as elite individuals and smashing it. Pretty special seeing Chloe competing on the same floor as her Dad (2012).

Thankyou @grantwilliamsphoto

WOD: Saturday

Join Luke at 7am or 8am – be sure to book in!!

“Badger” or Partnered Badger

3 Rounds for time:
30 Squat Cleans 42.5/30kg
30 Pull-ups
800m Run

*Athletes run together but break up the Cleans and Pull-ups as needed. Repetitions share between partners anyhow.

Intermediate athletes – 30/20kg
Beginner – 20kg/15kg, Run 560m

Photo: Day 1 of the Downunder CrossFit Championship is down. What an awesome day – 2 WODs down 4 to go!!

Thank you Grantwilliamsphoto for being Chloe’s personal photographer.

WOD: Friday

REMINDER: TODAY CLASSES CANCELLED 5:30am, 6:30am & 9:15am classes. 4pm & 5pm will run as normal.

Best of luck to Chloe who starts Day 1 of the Downunder Championships today!!!

A. Handstand Skills – Warm up

B. Five sets for load:
3 Push Press *From Ground until limited by Clean,
Five sets for load:
3 Push Jerk/3 Split Jerk

B. Optional (but highly recommended)
Five cycles:
20/15 calorie Bike/Row Sprints
*Rest between efforts (12 min cap)

WOD: Thursday

REMINDER: FRIDAY CANCELLATION of 5:30am, 6:30am & 9:15am classes.
PM Classes will run as normal 4:00pm & 5pm.

Two rounds with technique focus:
0-4 minutes EMOM
‘X’ Burpees
4-8 minutes EMOM
‘X’ Toes to bar
8-12 minutes EMOM
‘X’ Deadball over shoulder

Photo: Overhead Squat PBs. What a day!!