The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

A. Handstand Skills
EMOM x 10 minutes:
Handstand Holds, Shoulder Taps, Wall Walks or Handstand Walk

B. For time:
6-9-12-9-6 reps:
Dumbbell Thrusters (heavy to match the difficulty of pull movement)
Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Scaling: Strict Pull-ups/Kipping C2B/Kipping/Ring Row

Photo: Pull-ups can be completed anywhere. Think outside of the box.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Overhead Squat Progression
Improve position and stability of movement. Lighter loading better than too heavy.
5 x 5 Tempo + Pause Overhead Squats (3-2-1)
60% -70% of 3RM OHS.

B. Eight x 180m Run/200m Row
Work/Rest 1:1

*Base your pace off last Thursday’s longer effort (360m run/400m row)
Eg. Average 400m row 1.58 – then goal for 200m row approx. 59 seconds.
*Aim to hold pace across all rounds.

Photo: Maya during yesterday’s workout. It is great seeing Maya move from strength to strength. Keep up your great work!!

WOD: Monday

A. Cleans (Power or Squat)
EMOM x 3 minutes
3 Cleans (Light load)
EMOM x 3 minutes
2 Cleans (Moderate load)
6-15 minutes:
2 Cleans (Incrementing to a heavy double for the day)

B. Partner Workout
Five rounds, each for time (TGIG)
5 Power Cleans
10 Burpees (over barbell)
*Choose your heaviest load that allows for some touch and go (3-2) repetitions early on.
* Record individual total work time to complete 5 rounds.

Link- We could not be prouder of our Wild Life Warrior – Winnie.
At such a young age Winnie shows compassion beyond her years. She has taken it upon herself to raise money to assist injured animals and keep our environment clean. Proving one human can have a huge impact.
Thank you for your kind, caring nature and inspiration you give to all of us Winne. You are a very special human!!!!

Please click here to watch Winnie’s story and some of the animals she’s been supporting. For anyone that would like to assist Winnie, donations of bottles would be greatly appreciated.

WOD: Saturday

AMRAP in 30 minutes:
Deadball carry + 6 Ground to Shoulder (1 rep every 3m)
Bearcrawl 20m
Run 180m
30 Squats

Photo: Our Teen crew Friday afternoon. Sibling training at its best. This makes my heart sing!!! Awesome work crew!!!

WOD: Friday

Every 4 minutes x 5 rounds:
12 Toes to Bar
5 Wall Walks
12 Toes to Bar
16 DB Goblet Lunge (alt.) 22.5/15kg

WOD: Thursday

A. Five rounds:
3 Overhead Squats + 5 Front Squats
(build to a moderate load. Rerack between OHS & Front Squat efforts)
Build to a 3RM Overhead Squat

B. Four x 360m run/400m row
Work/rest approx. 1:1

Photo: Geordie during our Front Squat Progression. Working quality movement at submaximal weights allows for improvement and strengthening in positions. Our front squat progression was a great reflection of this – resulting in massive PBs during our retest. We are now moving into an Overhead squat progression – let’s see the difference we can make.

WOD: Wednesday

30 Rounds for time:
1 Muscle-up
2 Box Jumps 24/20″
3 Burpees

Photo: Our girl bringing home the Gold – Oceania Weightlifting Championships.

WOD: Tuesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
6 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
6 Goblet Squats
6 Sumo Deadlifts
50 Double-unders

Photo: The challenge has been set.
Highest score for the Fish Game – 1935. Grant Williams currently owning the board!!!

WOD: Monday

After the most amazing holiday we are back!!! I can’t wait to see all of your smiling faces tomorrow.
A huge shout out and thank you to our amazing Coaches- Danielle, Luke & Dob for everything you have done/do for our community and giving our family this time to spend together.
Thank you to each and everyone of you, for your support, messages and for being a part of our amazing community.
We feel so blessed!!!

A. In 2 waves – working with a partner to change weights.
EMOM x 10 minutes:
Run 50m
1 Clean & Jerk
*Increment in weight each round.

B. Partner workout:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps:
Touch & go Cleans *
*Choose own load.

Photo: During our holidays we made the most of Samoa. We were flexible with out workouts, mostly completed in our room, on the beach or finding some random place to do pull-ups. We were stoked to join CrossFit Apia for a session – of course it had to be Deadlift day in Samoa 😀

WOD: Saturday

Sessions 7:00am & 8:00am with Luke & Dob.
A huge thank you for your understanding to allow us to have a family holiday. A massive thank you to the most wonderful team I could ask for, in backing me up and allowing us to get away – Danielle, Luke & Dob. We are so very grateful for everything you do for us and our community.

We are excited to be back with you all. Coastal CrossFit will be back to full schedule as of Monday.

Partner workout
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
75cal Bike (50 stroke change over – each hand = 1 stroke)
100cal Row (25 Stroke change over)
20 x 200m Run (Alternating – 10 each)
*Alternate with your partner on each activity until all calories/runs have been completed.