The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

A. Front Squat (Week 5 of 7)
2 Pause Front Squats + 3 Front Squats
*Approx. 90-95% of 5RM

B. Four x 200m Row/Ski Erg or 500m Bike
Rest between efforts
*Aim to maintain fast/consistent pace across all efforts.
Record: Fastest and slowest efforts.

Photo: Karla helping her partnership with Chris to take 3rd place at our Masters & Apprentice comp. Awesome work Karla.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Handstand skills/ Wall Walk progression (10-12 minutes)

B. Seven cycles (90-105% of 5RM Strict Press)
2 Press + 3 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk
Run 200m

*Run is recovery run, not fast pace.
*Aim to increment in weight from our recent 3PRess + 3Push Press + 3 Push Jerk

Photo: Nata has absolutely been smashing training on top of achieving so much in her career ambitions. Nata recently wrote, produced and starred in her own short film as part of her final assessment for her Master’s degree. We eagerly await your viewing. Photo courtesy of @grantwilliamsphotos.

WOD: Tuesday

“The Chief”
Five x 3 minute AMRAP of:
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute between efforts

Compare to last time here

Photo: Natalia during our Masters & Apprentice comp. Thank you to @grantwilliamsphoto.

WOD: Monday

Partner workout
Each effort for time:

6 Rounds for time:
20 Kettlebell Swings *
30second Dead hang
* Heavy repeatable weight

Rest 2 minutes

6 Rounds for time:
12/10 Cal Air Bike
30 second Plank

Rest 2 minutes

6 Rounds for time:
15/10 Pull-ups *
30 second Ring Front Support
* Advanced athletes Chest to bar

*One partner completes a round while the other partner rests. Both partners to complete 3 rounds each.

Score= Individual WOD times and total working time.

Photo: What a great Saturday morning with the crew. Thank you to everyone that supported our Masters League crew. Thank you to @grantwilliamsphoto for the epic photography. I love this one of Phil.

WOD: Saturday

Masters & Apprentice In house competition.
Join us from 7am.

We are excited to be hosting a Fundraising event for our Masters League Finalist heading to New Zealand at the end of October.
Deb, Greg, Michael & Bodo.
This crew have earnt their way through a series of Masters League competitions. We are so proud to have these guys represent Coastal CrossFit. All funds raised will go towards cost of their trip.

All athletes please ensure you are there by 7am – teams are allocated (check Facebook members). We anticipate the final workout to wrap up around 10:00am.

The format – 3 workouts to be announced tomorrow.
Partners are pre-allocated (with the goal of even abilities – meaning every partnership is in with a chance of taking the win).

Come and join us for an awesome community morning, BBQ breakfast and lots of fun. Bonus – we have some great prizes up for grabs.

A huge thank you to Paradise Distillery & Fit Aid for coming on board with their support @paradise.rum @fitaidausnz & @lifeaidbevcoausnz.

WOD: Friday

“Grettel” New Benchmark Girl
10 Rounds for time:
3 Clean & Jerks 60/42.5kg
3 Burpees over the bar

WOD: Thursday

A. Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
*Alternate between movements

B. Mobility

Photo: Sophie has already achieved so much since starting at Coastal. We are so proud of your efforts.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (12-15 minutes)
*Working touch & go repetitions

B. Three rounds:
3 minutes:
Row/Ski erg 250m or Bike 600m
10 Hang Snatch 45/30kg
Max Chest to bar Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes

WOD: Tuesday

A. Front Squat (Week 4 of 7)
3 Pause Front Squats + 2 Front Squats
*Approx. 90% of 5RM

B. For time:
18-15-12-9 reps:
Dumbbell Thrusters 2×22.5/15kg

Scaled loads: 2 x 15/10kg

Photo: A shout out to Greg who has been putting in the extra yards in preparation for Masters League finals. It is so awesome seeing you achieve your goals. 73 years young and only getting better!!

WOD: Monday

A. Handstand Skills- Technique/progressions

B. Five rounds for time:
20 OH Lunge (20/15kg)
Run 200m
15 Burpees
Run 200m

Photo: Bodo definitely making the barbell look easy for 3 reps of Turkish Get-ups. Bodo will be part of our Masters crew heading to NZ to compete in the finals Masters League competition at the end of October.

This coming Saturday we will be hosting a fundraiser in-house competition to assist our Masters League crew on their journey – we hope you can join us!!