WOD: Friday
Reduced session times:
5:30am – CANCELLED
6:30am, 9:15am – Danielle,
4:00pm & 5:00pm – Luke
A. Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (Build in load approx. 12-15 mins)
B. Partner workout
Ten rounds for time:
5 Front Squats (from ground) *
100 Single Skips
*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken reps
*Start with 1 partner on barbell other on skip, both partners to complete their movement before swapping.
Scale Option: 7-10 Rounds:
5-7 Front Squats/Goblet Squats (for quality)
Run 200m/100 skip
Photo: Partner training is great for providing additional accountability. Watching movement is also a great way for you to improve your movement quality. The more you watch the more you learn. Keep helping one another and in turn we all benefit.