The WOD's

WOD: Friday

Reduced session times:
5:30am – CANCELLED
6:30am, 9:15am – Danielle,
4:00pm & 5:00pm – Luke

A. Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (Build in load approx. 12-15 mins)

B. Partner workout
Ten rounds for time:
5 Front Squats (from ground) *
100 Single Skips

*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken reps
*Start with 1 partner on barbell other on skip, both partners to complete their movement before swapping.

Scale Option: 7-10 Rounds:
5-7 Front Squats/Goblet Squats (for quality)
Run 200m/100 skip

Photo: Partner training is great for providing additional accountability. Watching movement is also a great way for you to improve your movement quality. The more you watch the more you learn. Keep helping one another and in turn we all benefit.

WOD: Thursday

Reduced session times:
5:30am – Dob,
6:30am & 9:15am – CANCELLED
4:30pm & 5:30pm – Dob

A. Complete 5 cycles:
2 minutes:
10 Deadball over shoulder
Max Flexed arm hang *Unbroken
Rest 1 minute

2 minutes:
8-10 Push-up/Dips/Handstand Push-up
Max Plank/Static Front Support/Ring Front Support *Unbroken
Rest 1 minute

*Choose a difficulty allowing for 8-10 reps unbroken on chosen movement.
*Work Deadball no longer than 1 minute on first effort.

Photo: Maya has hit so many PBs during September. This is a result of your consistency and effort. We are so pumped for you!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Reduced session times:
5:30am – Danielle,
6:30am & 9:15am – CANCELLED
4:30pm & 5:30pm – Luke

This is a good one to be completed at home, or grab a partner and complete in the park next door.

Six rounds for time:
Run 360m
20 Burpees

WOD: Tuesday

Reduced session times:
5:30am – Dob
6:30am & 9:15am – CANCELLED
4:30pm & 5:30pm – Danielle

EMOM x 27 minutes (3 rounds)
Min 0-1. Max Dumbbell Thrusters
Min 1-2. 200/180 Row
Min 2-3. Rest
Min 3-4. Max Box Jumps 24″/20″
Min 4-5. 500m/400m Bike
Min 5-6. Rest
Min 6-7. Max V-ups
Min 7-8 10 x 15m Shuttle Run
Min 8-9. Rest

WOD: Monday

Reduced session times:
5:30am – Dob
6:30am & 9:15am – CANCELLED
4:30pm & 5:30pm – Luke

Five sets:
Bench Press 10-12 reps
Pendlay Row 10-12 reps

*Maintain load across sets.

B. Three rounds for max reps:
Strict Pull-ups + Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes

Compare to last time here

Photo: Lou giving the Masters & Apprentice comp her all.

WOD: Saturday

Front Rack Carry 4 x 15m (Dump barbell at each 15m)
Sandbag carry (front) 4 x 15m (dump at each 15m)

*Use the full session to work up in weight for both movements.
*Aim for a minimum of 5 heavy working sets

Photo: Sas (2017) We look forward to getting you back in the gym. We will get you back here!!!

WOD: Friday

Reduced session times:
5:30am – CANCELLED
6:30am & 9:15am – Danielle,
4:30pm & 5:30pm – Luke

A. EMOM x 21 minutes:
Min 1: ‘X’ Toes to bar
Min 2: 10-15 x 10m Shuttle Run
Min 3: 10-15 Dumbbell Push Press (2 x DB)

*Focus on quality of toes to bar. Advanced athletes aiming for unbroken repetitions.
*Choose own load for DB Push Press allowing for unbroken efforts on first round.

Photo: Congratulations to Chloe achieving competition PB’s of 68kg Snatch & 92kg Clean & Jerk, and bringing home the Gold 🏅 Proud is an understatement!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Partner workout
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:
Deadlift 100/70kg
*P1 on deadlifts, P1 on Burpees. Must complete your repetitions before swapping. Both partners to complete all repetitions (55 Deadlift + 55 Burpees)

B. Optional Extra:
Two effort, each for time:
Row/Ski Erg 400m or 1000m Bike.
*Rest between efforts.
*Aim for fastest/consistent time across both efforts.

Photo: Chloe hitting her recent PB Clean & Jerk of 93kg.
Wishing our girl the very best as she lifts at the Oceania Championships. Thankyou to our crew for your love and support as she chases her dreams.

Chloe will be lifting at 1:30pm Samoan time /10:30am Australian time.

Oceania Weightlifting Championships 2023 live link .

WOD: Wednesday

Increment as far as possible in 15 minutes:
Wall Walk 1-2-3-4…
12 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
40 Double-unders

Photo: A photo of the man behind the camera. Thank you @grantwilliamsphoto for everything you do for our community.

WOD: Tuesday

A Front Squat (Week 7 of 7 – RETEST)
5-5-5-5-5 Front Squat
*Increment in weight
Compare to last time here

B. Strict Press

Photo: Our mini Tarzan – Jesse 2017. Bare foot and wild hair. This melts my heart!!!