The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Saturday 7am & 8am is Open- be sure to book in via Mindbody. Come and join us for some fun in the carpark!!

*A wet weather contingency will be available.

Photo: Congratulations Kim on joining our 1500 CLUB. You are one amazing women. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Xo

WOD: Friday

A. 10 minutes to work to a heavy Hang Clean.

B. For max repetitions:
5 minutes:
Wall Ball
4 minutes:
Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
3 minutes:
2 minutes:
1 minute:
Double-unders (scored at 1/2 reps)

Photo: Despite injury Andy is consistent in his training. He is adaptable to ensure he continues to move forward and get the most out of training. Awesome work Andy!!!
Perception is everything – we will all experience injury at some time, it is how you approach it that makes the difference. Don’t let injury stop you – it is sometimes a step forward to achieving something you have neglected.

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds for Max reps:
Dumbbell Bench Press
Ring Rows
*Aim for a weight and ring row standard that allows for at least 15 repetitions on the first round.

Photo: With guns like this you know this guy has done more than 500 sessions. Congratulations Luke O, receiving his 500CLUB shirt. After combining multiple Mindbody profiles he is so close to the 750 CLUB.

WOD: Wednesday

Five cycles:
In 2:30 minutes:
10 Devils Press (2 x 22.5/15kg)
Max 15m Shuttle Runs

Rest between efforts.

Photo: Congratulations to these two beautiful ladies who have joined our 500 CLUB. We are so grateful to be surrounded by the absolute best crew!!
Everyone’s day is brighter because you are there!!

WOD: Tuesday

A. Week 2 of 4.
Back Squat 1 x 20 repetitions.
*This is not a 20rm, but aimed to be heavy with quality movement.

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
8 Toes to Bar
12/8 Push-ups
24 Double-unders

Photo: Sally receiving her 500 CLUB shirt. Sally joined us in Jan 2019 before moving away in 2020. We were so happy to have her back when she returned to the Coast in Jul 2021. Congratulations Sally – your achievements and a product of you consistency, dedication and positivity. You are an exceptional human and a fabulous role model for Ted!!!

WOD: Monday

Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes”
5 second Flexed Arm Hang (Increment by 5 seconds)
Run 100m
2 Deadball over shoulder (increment by 2 reps)
Run 100m

Photo: Congratulations to our beautiful friend Chan, for joining our 1500 CLUB (1500 attendances at Coastal CrossFit).
With only 4 members – this is our most exclusive club:
Bodo, Kim, Mark & Chantal.
Thank you so much for your support, friendship and memories. Here is to a lifetime of great health, adventures, fun and laughter!!

WOD: Saturday

Come on in for a great partner workout.
Both 7am & 8am sessions are on. Hope to see you there.

WOD: Friday

A. Week 1 of 4 (start of progression).
Back Squat
1 x 20 reps

B. For time:
100 Burpees

Photo: During our Games night we welcomed many of our members to our exclusive CLUBs – awarding CLUB Shirts- 500/750/1000/1500 Attendances.
What a huge achievement!!!
Congratulations to our newest CLUB Members
500 CLUB
Lexi, Michael Walsh
750 CLUB –
Jo, Cal & Fran
1000 CLUB –
1500 CLUB –
Kim & Mark.

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 20 minutes:
Minute 1: Strict Toes to Bar ‘X’
Minute 2: 5 Power Cleans (Touch & Go) *
*Choose repetitions that allow for repeatable controlled movement on the Toes to bar.
*Work from medium to heavy load for touch & go Cleans.

Photo: Congratulations to this legend – Mia for completing her first workout (Open 20.5) with bar muscle-ups. At only 13 years old Mia is so coachable, works so hard and never complains. You truly are incredible!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Open 20.5
For time:
40 Ring Muscle-ups
80 Calorie Row
120 Wall Ball 9/6kg

*Partition anyhow

Time Cap: 20 minutes

Photo: What a fun session yesterday!! Great work everyone.