The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

A. 15 minutes:
1 Clean + Hang Clean + 2 Front Squats

B. Week 4 Progression
Back Squat 1 x 20
*Improve on quality of movement. Add load from last week if movement quality allows.

Photo: Winnie – our real life mini super hero!!!
Winnie has been raising money over the past year for the Wildlife Warriors. She has been selling her toys, cashing in 10c containers and selling animal badges at the Australia Zee Wildlife hospital.
If you would like to support her amazing efforts please check out –
Just like her parents she brings kindness and joy to everyone around her. What an amazing human – we could not be prouder!!!

WOD: Tuesday

A. 10 minute: Handstand Skills/Progression
– Handstand Holds Wall or Free
– Handstand Walks
– Handstand Push-ups
– Handstand Obstacles

B. Four x 3 minutes rounds for max reps:
10 x 15m Shuttle Run
10 Burpees (onto plate)
Max Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2 x 22.5/15kg)
Rest 1 minute

Photo: Congratulations to Lloyd (aka Eldo) on successfully completing the 1/2 Marathon over the weekend with a personal best time.

WOD: Monday

A. 7-10 cycles:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats
*Build in load as movement quality allows.

B. Partner workout:
50 Overhead Squats for load/time:
*7 minute cut-off

Option B. For quality movement:
YGIG for 7 minutes:
5 Overhead Squats for quality

Photo: Congratulations to Deb on a great weekend at the Masters HQ Finals. Your efforts over the weekend were amazing!! You should be so proud!!!

WOD: Saturday

For time: Run 860m 30 Sandbag squats Run 560m 20 Sandbag squats Run 360m 10 Sandbag Squats Photo: Congratulations Deb - Day 1 of the Masters HQ finals (Ballarat) complete. We are so proud of you Deb!! You have done the hard work - time to test yourself and have fun!!

WOD: Friday

30-20-10-5 reps for load of:
Bench Press
*Aim to increment load across each set.

Tabata Intervals x 8: Any machine.

Photo: Cal will be rocking his 750 CLUB shirt. Congratulations Cal. Such a great achievement.

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds for time:
15 Hang Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (2 x 22.5/15kg)
15 Toes to bar

*Mobility session – Stretch/Roll out/Sauna.

Photo: Congratulations to Michael for receiving his 500 CLUB shirt – A doctor that understands and practices ‘good health’.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Week 3 progression
Back Squat 1 x 20 reps.
*Aim to improve on last week. Add weight to quality movement.

B. Four x 90 second cycles:
50m Deadball Barry
18m Walking lunge
Max Handstand Push-ups/Push-ups

* Rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Photo: Happy birthday to one of the best ladies around – Chantal. We hope you feel extra special today. Xo

WOD: Tuesday

“Snatch” Working with a partner
A. EMOM x 4
3 Snatch (Light – warm up load)
EMOM x 4
2 Snatch (Build in load)
8-15 minutes
2 Snatch (Hold heavy repeatable weight)
Alternating with a partner.

B. Three rounds:
10 Dumbbell seated strict press
*Seated L-Sit position.
Position is key!!!

Photo: Congratulations to Jo, being awarded her 750CLUB Shirt. Jo has been frequent and consistent in her attendance since starting with us in Feb 2019. It is great to look back and see what you have achieved. We look forward to sharing your future achievements with you.

WOD: Monday

Four rounds, each for time:
Row 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
12 Bar Muscle-ups/12 Chest to bar pull-ups

Rest between rounds.
30 minute cap.
Score = Total work time.

Photo: Congratulations to Jesse graduating from Queensland Fire Brigade. We wish Jesse and Chanel all the best as they head off on their new adventure in Mount Isa. We will miss you both!!!

WOD: Saturday

Saturday 7am & 8am is Open- be sure to book in via Mindbody. Come and join us for some fun in the carpark!!

*A wet weather contingency will be available.

Photo: Congratulations Kim on joining our 1500 CLUB. You are one amazing women. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Xo