The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

7-14-21-28-21-14-7 reps for time:
Dumbbell Push Press (2 x 22.5/15kg)
Toes to Bar

Photo: Welcome to Lewis. It is great having you with us!! You are open to learning new things and give it your all. We are looking forward to seeing your progress over the next while. Keep up the great work!!!

WOD: Tuesday

A. Work to a heavy Turkish Get-ups (both sides)

B. 10 minute AMRAP:
2 Wall Walks
20 second L-Sit
35 Double-unders

Photo: Doug. It is great to see how far Doug has come with mobility and improvement in movement quality. From struggling to hold a rack position to moving smoothly on Front Squats. Awesome work Doug!!!

WOD: Monday

A. Five rounds for load:
5 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Front Squats

*All 15 repetitions to be completed unbroken.
*Build in load across sets

B. Four sets for Max reps:
*Rest 1 minute between sets.
*Choose an pull option relative to your skill level.
Advanced athletes: Chest to bar or Strict.

Photo: Welcome Muthoni!!
Nothing fills my heart more than family training. Quality time with your loved ones working towards positive, healthy lifestyle is a win for everyone. Saturdays workout was a partnered workout where Muthoni kept her Dad, Bernie on his toes. What a team!!!

WOD: Saturday

Come and join Marie for a Saturday surprise Workout.
Hope to see you there!!

Photo: Such an awesome day in the box with heaps of PBs, including Phil hitting an all time deadlift PB for 5 reps of 105kg. So awesome to see you back on track after rehab.

WOD: Friday

A. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
Superset with
Max Bench Press *
*Base weight that sees you failing at 15 repetitions on your first set.

B. Mobility

WOD: Thursday

A trip down memory lane:
Only our very first members will remember this one (Chantal). This is one of my earliest CrossFit memories. After what felt like 100 no reps on my overhead squats I had tears streaming down my face as I stripped back the weight and continued to get no reps. I don’t think I spoke to Chris for a couple of days after this. The pain was real – after 14 years I think I am ready to go again. Chantal we need to do this one together.

‘Air Force’
For time:
20 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 42.5/30kg
20 Push Jerks 42.5/30kg
20 Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg
20 Front Squats 42.5/30kg

*4 Burpees at the start of each minute

Photo: Mark M- It is awesome having this legend back in the box. Your consistency has been great!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Gymnastic pull complex
Eg. 1 Bar Muscle-up + 2 Chest to bar pull-up + 3 Pull-ups
or 3 Chest to bar Pull-ups + 3 Pull-ups

Option 2: EMOM x 10 minutes:
‘X’ Gymnastic Pulls

B. Increment as far as possible in 12 minutes:
Wall Walk (1-2-3-4…)
12 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
40 Double-unders

Photo: A shout out to Lydia who since joining us at the end of February has given her everything at every session. Super consistent (5days per week), always positive and prepared to work her weaknesses. I am so excited to see where the next six months takes you.

WOD: Tuesday

Three rounds for max reps:

3 minutes:
Bike 16/12 calories
45 second plank
Max Goblet Squats

Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Burpees
Rest 1 minute

3 minutes:
Row 20/16 calories
45 second sandbag hold
Max Overhead lunge (20/15kg plate)

Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Burpees
Rest 1 minute

Photo: Ella – at 16 years old this young champion just hit a PB Clean & Jerk of 97.5kg, just after hitting a PB Snatch of 75kg. Awesome is an understatement!!! We are so proud!!!

WOD: Monday

A. EMOM x 3 minutes:
3 Clean and Jerk (light load)
EMOM x 4 minutes:
2 Clean and Jerks (increment in load)
EMOM x 6 minutes:
1 Clean and Jerk (maintain heavy load)

B. Partner workout
Five rounds for load/time:
10 Shoulder to Overhead *
75 Skips

*Choose a heavy load that allows for an unbroken effort at least on the first set.
Partner 1 starts on the barbell, Partner 2 starts on the Run, then swap. Both partners complete 5 rounds each.

WOD: Saturday

Five rounds:
3 minutes on/3 minutes off:
Run 360m, then
Ascend for remaining time:
1 Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (2 x Dumbbells)
10m Overhead Carry,
2 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks
10m Overhead Carry …
Continue to increase C&J by 1 rep per round.

*Restart each round at 1 Clean & Jerk

Photo: Luke – he got the 100kg jerk. Thank you to this champion for taking the Friday & Saturday sessions so we can get away for a family weekend. We are so grateful!!