GAMES/PIZZA NIGHT– Thank you to all that attended. We had a great turn out and the night was lots of fun. Once again I forgot to take photos, however many pictures are etched in my mind (most not resembling what they should have) 😀 Well done to Chloe’s team for taking the win for Pictionary, and it appears that Lloyd is taking the blame for Nata’s team for loosing, but at least he brought the laughs 😀
REMATCH shortly???
Five cycles for max repetitions of:
Unbroken Man makers *
*Increase push-ups on each rep.
*Choose a weight that allows you to complete at least 6 reps each cycle
Man Maker: 1 Push-up, Left Row, Right Row, Strict Curl, Strict Press.
Photo: Elyse has been on fire in the box. I can be assured she will be at Open Gym every Friday working her weaknesses. Everything is coming together because of your hard work and determination. Awesome work!!!