The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

We will kick off at 7am – please be there for athlete briefing. The morning will run in heats until all athletes have completed the workout. To best support one another we ask you count/judge at least one other person. Dress in your team attire, bring your pom poms and a smile.
Let the fun begin…

OPEN 23.1 (Repeat 14.4)
Complete as many reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups
♀ 14-lb ball to 9-ft target, 95-lb cleans
♂ 20-lb ball to 10-ft target, 135-lb cleans 

WOD: Friday

The CrossFit Open announcement is today!!!
This is the best time of year. If you haven’t yet signed up for the IN-BOX Open you still have time – Click HERE for details.

For completion:
Run or Row
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

*This format can have various approaches depending upon the individual/training, etc. Options will be discussed during the brief.

WOD: Thursday

Partner workout:
For time:
Row/Bike 80 cal (10 cal change over)
60 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg (swap every 20)
30 Burpee (Dumbbell Facing) (swap every 10)
49 Toes to bar (swap every 7)
30 Burpee (Dumbbell Facing) (swap every 10)
60 Dumbbell Snatch (swap every 20)
Bike/Row 80 cal (10 cal change over)

All reps are to be performed each, except the rower and bike which are shared.

Photo: Penny- Masters League 2023. Our Masters crew have done themselves and us proud over the past few weeks – giving every workout their all. A couple of days to relax before the Open begins….

WOD: Wednesday

EMOM x 20 minutes:
Minute 1: 5 x Overhead Squats *Bar taken from ground
Minute 2: ‘X’ Gymnastic Pull

*Choose a weight that allows for heavy/unbroken efforts for OHS.
* Choose a pull movement and repetitions appropriate to the difficulty.


Five rounds, each for load/time:
12 Bench Press *
Row 400/350m

Rest as necessary between efforts.

*Choose a heavy weight that allows for unbroken sets in the first few rounds.

Photo: Lou hitting the Masters League. So awesome to see so many of of our Masters competing and supporting one another. Thank you Grant for capturing these between his own workout.


Ten rounds for load/time:
5 Squat Cleans *
Run 200m

*Heavy repeatable singles

Photo: Lloyd aka Eldo – hitting a 71kg (PB) 2 rep Squat Clean. Perfectly planned and executed strategy. Look out NZ – Lloyd is coming for you!!
Thank you @grant_a_w for your awesome photography.

WOD: Saturday

Let’s have some fun outside with a surprise BEACH WOD.

Time: 7:30am.

As always, we will have contingency plans for anyone with injuries.

Bring togs for a swim after the session.

Where: Meet at Minkara Park (refer map below).This is the street running adjacent to BFresh. Check out the MAP below.

Photo: Thank you to Leanne & Murphy for being part owners of Melbourne cup winner – Gold Trip, we had the honor of having the Melbourne cup in the box this morning. PS. Next time give us the winning tip. xoxo

WOD: Friday

Our IN-BOX OPEN Teams have been announced – check Facebook Members page for full details. Get ready to work hard and have lots of fun.

A huge thank you to our Team Captains- Amie, Phil, Sara & Greg.

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1: Push-ups ‘X’
Min 2: Max cal Bike (45sec)
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Pull-ups ‘X’
Min 5: Max cal row
Min 6. Rest

*Advanced athletes selected higher skilled gymnastic push & pull.

Reminder Saturday is a Beach WOD at 7:30am. Click here for details.


DRAFT NIGHT TONIGHT from 6:30pm. All registered IN-BOX OPEN athletes will be assigned a team. Come down to be part of the action.

A. Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3

B. For time:
30 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
30 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
30 Air Squats
Run 200m
20 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
20 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
20 Air Squats
Run 200m
10 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
10 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
10 Air Squats
Run 200m

Photo: Deb. Our Masters athletes are smashing it!! Deb is currently competing in two online competitions and was our 1st athlete to sign up for the IN-BOX OPEN.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Clean Technique (Working catch positions)
5 cycles (maintain light load)
Power Clean (1/4 catch) + Hang Power Clean (1/2 catch) + Hang Squat Clean
5 cycles (Maintain moderate load)
Power Clean (1/2 catch) + Hang Squat Clean
7 cycles (building)
Increment Power Clean or Squat Clean.

B. Five rounds for time:
10 Power Cleans 60/40kg
10 Burpees
*15 minute cap.