The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

Reminder: OPEN 23.3 – FRIDAY & SATURDAY.
Friday afternoon from 4pm, and Saturday morning from 7am. Our goal is to get as many people through Friday & Saturday so we can kick off our heels Saturday night!!

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
Max hang
25 Sit-ups
Run 560m

Photo: Greggy – Team captain “Greggy’s Killer Crew”. Unfortunately Greg won’t be joining us for our end of Open celebrations, instead he will be leading a group through Kokoda – check out
to learn more.
Greg- thank you for everything. We are happy you have left Mark with the winning acceptance speech.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Work to a heavy Hang Clean (Power or Squat)

B. Five rounds for time:
10 Hang Power Cleans *
5 Wall walks
Rest 1 minute
*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken hang cleans on the first round.

Photo: Sam hitting a PB thruster during Open 23.2B. This is what the IN-BOX OPEN is about!! Pushing a little harder with the support of friends. This is Sam’s first Open – he signed up with no hesitation and has pushed himself so hard each week. Awesome to witness!!!
As always thankyou @Grant_a_w for always capturing our special moments.

WOD: Tuesday

With 23.2 behind us, there is only 1 week remaining of the Open. Reminder: this week we will be running Friday night Open and Saturday morning to ensure we can all let our hair down Saturday night.
Paradise Rum distillery booked from 6pm.

A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B. Ascend as far as possible in 10 minutes:
10-20-30-40-50… etc
Double-unders (unbroken).

Photo: Evie mid Burpee pull-up. What a photo!!! Thank you to Grant for another epic photo. So proud of Evie and what she is achieving. Keep it up Evie.
So happy to have your Mum (Kara) joining in on the fun as well.

WOD: Monday

What an epic Saturday!!! 35 people through the Open workout and so many amazing efforts. Thank you Grant Williams for volunteering so much time, spending endless time in the gym to photograph our community at their best and worst. These are amazing!!!

Team points= 1 point for participating. Bonus points for the best dressed, “That’s the Spirit” & additional points awarded for Top 3 athletes.
Bring your pom poms and join us!!!

Nominations – please get these to Marie by Wednesday 5pm.
“That’s the spirit”
“Best dressed”

For those that have completed the workout and not wanting to have a second attempt – an alternative workout will be available. Please note: Only first attempts will count on the IN-BOX Open score board.

Open Workout:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 burpee pull-ups
10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.

Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:
1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

Please know standards prior to coming in – Open 23.2 Standards video

Photo: Congratulations to all of our first time Open participants.
Bernie joining the fun on Saturday morning. Working hard is better with amazing people!!!

WOD: Saturday

We are looking forward to another great morning with you all. Once again we will run through in heats. If everyone counts/judges for one other person the morning should run smoothly.

Team points= 1 point for participating. 3 Bonus points for the best dressed.
Bring your pom poms and join us!!!

Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 burpee pull-ups
10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.

Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:
1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

WOD: Friday

OPEN Announcement 23.2 happens at 6am- Watch the announcement live here

A. 10 minutes to work to a heavy Turkish Get-up

B. Max repetitions in:
5 minutes: Wall ball 9/6kg
4 minutes: Burpees
3 minutes: Pull-ups
2 minutes: Box Jumps 24″/20″
1 minute: Push-ups

Photo: Congratulations to Amie the recipient of our Open 23.1 “That’s the Spirit” award. Nominated by multiple people for her support and encouragement, giving confidence to many of our newest members to take on the IN-BOX Open and also for her awesome effort during the WOD. You are so loved and valued Amie – thank you for sharing love and support and helping to create our amazing community. This award is so well deserved!!!

WOD: Thursday

Tabata (20seconds work/10 second rest)
Deadlift hold
Overhead plate hold

*1 min rest between activities

*Choose your load to allow for unbroken 20second work efforts. If broken you will score a zero for that movement.
Score= lowest calories + load (unbroken)

Photo: Dan. One of our first time Open athletes competing this year in our IN-BOX Open. What an awesome effort in 23.1.
This is my favourite time of year- surrounded by support and cheering we see athletes give that little more during the Open, resulting in personal achievements. The flow on affect is awesome!!
What the PB’s roll in over the next few months.
A huge thank you to @grant_a_w photography.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Snatch balance 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1

B. AMRAP in 8 minutes:
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Right hand) + 5 Overhead Lunge (Right hand)
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Left hand) + 5 Overhead Lunge (Left hand)

* Overhead lunge to be performed on one side. I.e. Not alternating.

Photo: Ben & Andy during Open 23.1. Thank you @grant_a_w for once again capturing our community in action.
A huge shout out to our “Master of Masters” Andy – who took charge of the Masters League crew, organizing competition day, logistics, score keeping, warm-up, brief, etc. Your encouragement and commitment saw our highest number of Masters League crew competing this year.
From the bottom of our heart – Thank you. xoxo

WOD: Tuesday

Our Open 23.1 Best dressed goes to Phil!!!
Team – Philli Vanilli, receiving a bonus 3 points!!!

Spirit of 23.1. Get your nominations forward for someone that provided inspiration for you during our first WOD. This is not the best athlete but the person who displayed the best of what Coastal CrossFit is about.

In 16 minutes:
500 single skips,
then incrementing ladder of:
Strict Pull-ups (1-2-3-4…)
30 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

What a Saturday in the box. We had 35 people complete Open 23.1. It was awesome to have so many athletes in team theme, supporting one another and pushing hard.
For those that have completed Open 23.1 we will have an alternate workout for you so be sure to come in.
As with Saturday, we will run each session in heats, and will require judges. If you need to be out of the box on time be sure to let Marie know and get into the first heat.
Note for those not signed up you will still complete the workout to your chosen standard RXD, Scaled or Foundational.
Not signed up but suffering FOMO? It isn’t too late –
Coastal IN-BOX OPEN Sign up

OPEN 23.1 (Repeat 14.4)
Complete as many reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups