WOD: Saturday
Come and join us for a fun, surprise workout.
Both 7am & 8am sessions are on.
Partner workout "Unknown Unknowable" For time: 1.6km run 50 partner push-up (sync with hand clap) 100 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg (shared) 50 Toes to bar (shared) 50 Burpees (over partner plank) 100 Medball squat and throw (alt) Run 1.6km *Duration, movement, reps unknown. Released as each element is completed. Photo: Sally. We have been spoilt having Sally and Ted with us for our 9:15am session for the past while. Sally is back to work this coming week - we wish her all the best. We will miss you at the 9:15am but we look forward to seeing you in the box at your new session times.