The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Minute 1: Gymnastic Pulling Complex
Minute 2: 4 Power Cleans *
Minute 3: Wall Walks

*This session is designed to give everyone a chance to focus on higher skill development.
For example: Advanced athletes: 3 Bar Muscle-up + 3 C2B + 3 Kip, Intermediate athletes: 1 Strict + 2 C2B + 3 kip.
*Choose movements, repetitions and weights that allow for quality movement with the goal of improvement.

Photo: Deb hitting a PB of 50kg Squat Clean at the Masters League competition. Age is no barrier!!!
Whether you are 20-30-50 or 80 years young CrossFit will bring extra step into life. CrossFit = The fountain of youth.

WOD: Monday

A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
*Climbing to a heavy set for the day.

B. For time:
5-10-15-20-15-10-5 reps:
Dumbbell Thrusters (2×15/10kg)
Double-unders x 35
*10 minute cap.

Thank you to everyone that attended the Nutritional 101 presentation on Thursday night. I hope you are all on track.
SUNDAY’s are a great day to get your meal prep for the week completed. Here are some tip on getting started with MEAL PLANNING
Don’t let it overwhelm you- a couple of small changes can make all the difference.

WOD: Saturday

Join us for a surprise Saturday session.
Both 7am and 8am will run.

CrossFit Open 17.1
For time:
10 dumbbell snatches 22.5/15kg
15 burpee box jump-overs 24″/20″
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs

WOD: Friday

Open Gym: Focus refining your rowing technique.

Partnered “Cindy”
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups (Dead hang)
10 Push-ups (Front Support)
15 Squats (Squat hold)
*One partner completes static hold while the other completes the repetitions. Complete as P1 Pull-ups, P2 hold, then P2 Pull-ups, P1 hold. etc.

WOD: Thursday

Complete for a total of five cycles.
In 3 minutes:
100 Double unders
12 Deadball over shoulder
Max calories rower

Rest 3 minutes *

Double-unders decrease by 20 reps each round.
Choose a heavy but repeatable weight for Deadball over shoulder.
*Complete a 60sec unbroken plank during your rest period.

Photo: Masters League athletes and support crew.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Work up to a heavy Snatch for the the day. Power or Squat.

B. EMOM x 11:
1. 10 DB Shoulder Press
2. 9 DB Shoulder Press/1 Push up
3. 8 DB Shoulder Press/2 Push up
4. 7 DB Shoulder Press/3 Push up
5. 6 DB Shoulder Press/4 Push up
6. 5 DB Shoulder Press/5 Push up
7. 4 DB Shoulder Press/6 Push up
8. 3 DB Shoulder Press/7 Push up
9. 2 DB Shoulder Press/8 Push up
10. 1 DB Shoulder Press/9 Push up
11. 10 Push up
*Maintain DB load.
*Aim for unbroken movements with minimal transition time btw.
*Pick the heaviest load that allows for the points above.

Photo: Welcome to Coastal CrossFit Sam.

WOD: Tuesday

For time:
20 Kipping Pull-ups
25 Squats
Run 180m
10 Strict Pull-ups
25 Squats
Run 180m
20 Chest to bar pull-ups
25 Squats
Run 180m
10 Strict Chest to bar pull-ups
25 Squats
Run 180m
20 Ring Muscle-ups
25 Squats
Run 180m
10 Strict Ring Muscle-ups
25 Squats
Run 180m

*20minutes time cap.

Photo: Deb & Kim looking stunning. Out of training clothes for the end of Masters League party. Congratulations ladies on your amazing efforts over the weekend. You did yourselves and all of us proud.

WOD: Monday

Double Rep D.T.
5 rounds for time of:
24 deadlifts
18 hang power cleans
12 push jerks

WOD: Saturday

Partner Workout
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:
Burpee Pull-ups
Front Squats 60/40kg

Run 180m
*P1: Completes burpees, P2: Completes Front Squats, then swap. Both partners run together following completing repetitions.

WOD: Friday

BEST OF LUCK to Kim and Deb who are both competing at the Masters League finals in Melbourne. You have both done the work now it is time to test and have fun!!! Regardless of the outcome you ladies have done us all proud and prove that age is just a number – TRUE INSPIRATIONS!!!
We can’t wait to be there with our pom poms to cheer you both on!!

For load and time:
10 Dumbbell Strict Press
Run 560m
20 Dumbbell Push Press
Run 560m
30 Dumbbell Push Jerk
Run 560m
20 Dumbbell Push Press
Run 560m
10 Dumbbell Strict Press

*Choose the heaviest load that allows you to complete the work within a 20 minute time cap.

OPEN GYM: Focus on Double-unders with Luke. Looking to get more efficient or achieve your first double-unders Luke will be sharing some tips and tricks so be sure to join him 😀