WOD: Tuesday
EMOM x 30 minutes:
Minute 1: Gymnastic Pulling Complex
Minute 2: 4 Power Cleans *
Minute 3: Wall Walks
*This session is designed to give everyone a chance to focus on higher skill development.
For example: Advanced athletes: 3 Bar Muscle-up + 3 C2B + 3 Kip, Intermediate athletes: 1 Strict + 2 C2B + 3 kip.
*Choose movements, repetitions and weights that allow for quality movement with the goal of improvement.
Photo: Deb hitting a PB of 50kg Squat Clean at the Masters League competition. Age is no barrier!!!
Whether you are 20-30-50 or 80 years young CrossFit will bring extra step into life. CrossFit = The fountain of youth.