WOD: Saturday
Reminder: Acrobatics/gymnastic workshop 8-10am with Ryan Collins- registration required. Please contact Marie asap if you are interested and haven’t booked in.
Partner workout:
Incrementing ladder in 12 minutes of:
2-4-6-8-10-12… of:
Deadball over shoulder
Deadball front carry 10m
Run 180m
*Partner 1 completes 2 Over shoulder, then carry, Partner 2 completes run, then swap. Both partners to complete the same round.
*Choose a challenging weight that allows for repeatable movement.
Rest 3 minutes, then…
For time complete:
Descending ladder from where you achieved in the first effort*
*Eg. P1 finished 5/8 DB OS, P2 160m Run. Work in reverse. P1 completes 5/8 DB, Run. P2 completes 160m, 10m Carry, 6/6 DBOS, etc.