The WOD's

WOD: Monday

A. Snatch (Power or Squat)

*This is aimed at improving movement quality, heavy but not maximal.

B. 100 Kettlebell Swing for time:
*Complete 2 burpees at the start of the workout and add 2 burpees at the start of each subsequent minute until completion or failure (failure to complete burpees within the required minute).

Photo: Welcome to one of our newest members – Natalia. Already achieving great things. Great to have you with us – Keep doing exactly what you are doing and the rewards will come!!!

WOD: Saturday

For time:
40 Back Squats 60/40kg
30 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
40 Front Squats 45/30kg
30 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
40 Overhead Squats 30/20kg
30 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups

WOD: Friday

Running Dumbbell “DT”
Five rounds for time:
12 Dumbbell Deadlift 22.5/15kg
9 Hang Power Cleans 22.5/15kg
6 Push Jerks 22.5/15kg

*The workout starts with a 180m run, then complete a 180m run at every 2:30minute increment until completion (Eg. 0-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00…)

WOD: Thursday

A. Back Squats 5×5

B. For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
(8 minute cap)

Photo: Fran working Skin the Cat progressions at the acrobatics/gymnastics workshop.

WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds, each for time:
Row 400/350m
15 Burpees (over parallettes)

Rest as necessary between rounds.
Compare to last time here

Photo: Frankie. The shining star of our acrobatics workshop. Absolutely amazing watching what she can do. Awesome work Frankie.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Retest: Max rep strict pull-ups

B. For time (20minute cap):
20 Thrusters 40/30kg
15 C2B Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
16 Thrusters 50/37.5kg
15 C2B Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
12 Thrusters 60/45kg
15 C2B Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
8 Thrusters 70/52.5kg
15 C2B Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
4 Thrusters 80/60kg
15 C2B Pull-ups
50 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

Please note: Our regular sessions are cancelled due to the Public holiday, however come and join us from 3:30pm-5:00pm for Open Gym.

A workout will also be provided. Hope to see you then.

Photo: Some of our crew developing skills at our acrobatics/gymnastics workshop on Saturday. I hope you all enjoyed it and walked away with some new tips for homework.

WOD: Saturday

Reminder: Acrobatics/gymnastic workshop 8-10am with Ryan Collins- registration required. Please contact Marie asap if you are interested and haven’t booked in.

Partner workout:
Incrementing ladder in 12 minutes of:
2-4-6-8-10-12… of:
Deadball over shoulder
Deadball front carry 10m

Run 180m
*Partner 1 completes 2 Over shoulder, then carry, Partner 2 completes run, then swap. Both partners to complete the same round.
*Choose a challenging weight that allows for repeatable movement.

Rest 3 minutes, then…
For time complete:
Descending ladder from where you achieved in the first effort*

*Eg. P1 finished 5/8 DB OS, P2 160m Run. Work in reverse. P1 completes 5/8 DB, Run. P2 completes 160m, 10m Carry, 6/6 DBOS, etc.

WOD: Friday

1. Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
2. Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
3. Squat Snatch
Build in weight on level 1 until the muscle snatch becomes limiting, then move on to level 2 until the power snatch becomes limiting, then build to a heavy squat snatch.

B. Back Squat 5×5

Photo: Leanne. Thank you for always being a great source of inspiration with business but also for personal growth. You make me realize we are all capable of so much… so be brave and back yourself.

WOD: Thursday

Toes to Bar Biathlon

For time:
Run 560m
40 Toes to Bar
Run 560m
30 Toes to Bar
Run 560m
20 Toes to Bar

*Add 180m each time you break a set of Toes to Bar.

Workout inspiration from The CrossFit Games- Muscle-up biathlon. Clink on picture to see the action.