The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

A. EMOM x 20 minute:
Minute 1: 5 x Deadlift
Minute 2: Gymnastic Push (Push-up/Dips/ HSPU)

B. Ten rounds for max calories:
30sec on/30sec off
– Bike or Row.

Photo: Chanel mastering the Overhead Squat.
What a day in the box yesterday as we retested our OHS (THE KING OF SQUATS) after a 6 week progression. We could not have been happier with the efforts over the past 6 weeks in improving quality of movement. The personal best were amazing, but most importantly the transference to all other movement. Well done crew!!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. Overhead Squat 1RM
Time to retest

B. Incrementing ladder in 10 minutes:
Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg (4-8-12-16…)
Double-unders (12-24-36-48…)

*Goblet Squats increment by 4 per round, Double-unders increment by 12 per round.
*Advanced athletes complete pistol squats in place of goblet squats.

Photo: A huge shout out to our very own super star- Nata who has just landed a lead role in Legally Blonde playing Serena (a Mad About Theatre production). We are sooo excited to see your hard work paying off. Watch this space for updates.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Turkish Get-ups
Work technique/increase in weight for 12 minutes

B. Three rounds for time of:
40 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
20 Toes to bar

CrossFit in 6 words – worth the watch

WOD: Monday

A. Clean & Jerk Pyramid
*Build to a heavy single across 7 sets, then drop back by 10% for 5 more lifts.

B. Partner Workout
Five rounds for time:
Row 250m
10 Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (2 x 22.5/15kg)
*Both partners to complete their activity prior to changing.

Photo: CrossFit Games 2011.

WOD: Saturday

Join us for a fun morning.
WOD at 7am.
BBQ Breaky – fundraiser from 8am.
Luke B will be running an Auction throughout the morning. There are some great items up for grabs.

For completion:
A. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Burpees x 1 (Increment x 1 per minute)
B. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Dumbbell Snatch x 2 (Increment x 2 per minute)
C. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Thrusters 20/15kg (Increment x 3 per minute)

WOD: Friday

Happy 43rd birthday to my partner in crime (Chris) and also to Cal- you are both pretty cool!!!

Danielle will be taking the pm sessions – she would love your support.

A. Test
Max Strict Pull-ups
*This will establish a base line for your strict pull-ups that we will be actively working to improve over the coming months.
*Various options will be available for progression.
Thank you to Danielle for initiating this – more info in the box.

B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Front Squats
* Choose a load/movement difficulty that allows for completion in 15 minutes.

Photo: You know you have a few years behind you when you spent your birthday at the CrossFit Games back in 2011. Hopefully we will all be there again in the coming years supporting Chloe.

WOD: Thursday

AMRAP in 30 minutes:
10 Burpees (onto weight plate)
15 Ground to Overhead
20 Alternating Lunges
Overhead carry 50m
*All activities performed with a single weight plate 20/15kg

Photo: Cam & Steven Fittest in the Yard comp. Well done guys!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 14 minutes:
Minute 1: ‘X’ Toes to Bar
Minute 2: 3-5 Snatch balance (light load)

B. Overhead Squats 10 x 2 @90%+

Photo: Coach Luke in action. Photo courtesy of Coach Danielle. Loving creating this awesome team to support you all!!

WOD: Tuesday

Five x 3 minute rounds:
15 Bench Press 60/35kg
50 Double-unders
Max Cal Row

*Rest 3-4 minutes between rounds

Photo: Chloe Spam from Noosa Teen Invitational. Thank you to @Grant_a_w for the awesome photos.

WOD: Monday

I am so excited to be returning to the Gym tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful faces 😀

AMRAP in 6-5-4-3 minutes of:
3 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (2 x 22.5/15kg)
6 Chest to bar pull-ups
12 Squats

* Rest 1 minute between cycles.

Photo: Hello to our beautiful friends who are off travelling the world – Mike & Chrissie. We love seeing your photos and stories from your travels. Great to see your fitness being used for exploration!!!