The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am sessions will run. Danielle & Luke will be taking the sessions so be sure to join them for some fun!!!

Partner Workout
Two cycles for max reps:
In 5 minutes:
Bike (Calories)
Overhead hold (2 x22.5/15kg DB)
Rest 1 minute
In 5 minutes:
Row (Calories)
Suitcase holds (2x 32kg/24kg)
Rest 1 minute
In 5 minutes:
Burpees (over partner)
Plank Hold
Rest 1 minute

*One partner completing scored component (reps/cal) while other holds static movement. Reps/cal can only be accumulated while partner is in the static hold.

Photo: Russ. His awesome flexibility, quality of movement along with increase in strength has seen Russ stepping up his weights across the board. So awesome to see your PBs keep coming!!!
Thank you to Danielle for the photo.

WOD: Friday

For time:
50 Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg
35 Strict Pull-ups
50 Front Squats 60/42.5kg
35 Strict Pull-ups
50 Deadlifts 70/50kg

WOD: Thursday

A huge thank you to Luke B and Danielle for everything you have done to help us out this past week. Also, to all of the crew who have stepped in to assist. You have made this week stress free. I am looking forward to getting back into the gym with you all.
I know we have the most amazing community but it is time like this that make me appreciate it all the more.
I hope everyone in isolation is doing well. Don’t hesitate in reaching out if you need any assistance. xoxoxo

A. Technique focus
EMOM x 3 minute:
1 Snatch every 20 seconds (approx. 50%)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minute:
1 Snatch every 30 seconds (approx. 60%)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 5 minutes:
1 Snatch every (build in load to heavy not maximal)
*Aim to use Part A to warm up for Part B – Include some Squat Snatch and/or OHS.

B. Overhead Squats 8 x 4 @80%+

WOD: Wednesday

Five x 3 minute rounds:
Row 16/12cal *
18 Sit-ups
Max Burpees onto plate

Rest 3 minutes
*Increase calories per round: Men 16-20-24-28-32cal Ladies 12-15-18-21-24cal

*Complete a 45 second unbroken plank during 3 minute rest.

Photo: Chloe contemplating her Clean & Jerk @CrossFitNoosa Teen Invitational. I could watch our girl workout all day. Doing what she loves with composure beyond her years.

WOD: Tuesday

Thank you to our Coastal Crew- Everyone has jumped onboard to assist and your adaptability has made life so much easier during isolation.

A. EMOM x 10
‘X’ Toes to Bar

B. In 15 minutes:
75 Goblet Squats 24/16kg
then, AMRAP in remaining time:
25 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
60 Double-unders

Photo: 9:15am crew (Good morning Angels) back onto Zoom.

WOD: Monday

Due to Marie testing positive to COVID sessions will run a little differently this week. Thank you to Danielle Williams & Luke Brown for stepping up to assist me. We have totally got this!!!

Firstly, please continue to book in for sessions and come to your scheduled class in the box.
The Plan:
We will be operating a mix of a few scenarios-
Danielle Williams & Luke Brown will assist in whatever sessions they can.
During the other sessions, I will have a computer set up in the box – and will ZOOM from upstairs (my keen eyes will still be on you ). I will greet you from the digital world so be sure to save “hi” upon arrival 

WOD Brief, scaling etc. will be done via ZOOM (if a coach is not available).Please remain flexible as we navigate our way through this. We have been through worse so treat this like a minnie adventure!!!

For completion:
0-4 minutes:
Row/Bike (900/800m) or (1800/1600m)
4-5 minutes: Rest
5-12 minutes: EMOM x 7 minutes:
‘X’ Gymnastic Pull *
12-13 minutes: Rest
13- 17 minutes:
Bike/Row for meters (1800/1600m) or (900/800m)
17-18 minutes: Rest
18-25 minutes: EMOM x 7 minutes:
‘X’ Gymnastic Push *

*Choose a gymnastic pull/push and repetitions to be maintained across 7 minutes.
Pull= Ring Row, Flexed Arm Hang, Negatives, Pull-ups, Chest to bar, Bar Muscle-ups
Push= Push-ups, Dips, Handstand Push-ups

Photo: Chloe taking 1st Place at CrossFit Noosa Teen Invitational. I am in awe of Chloe, her ability, mindset and humility in all she does. Saturday was no exception. I am so proud to watch her do what she loves and reap the rewards of her hard work. A huge thankyou to @CrossFitNoosa for running an amazing event to support the future of CrossFit.
Special mention of @GorillaHealth Chloe’s official sponsor. Use code: CHLOE10 to receive a 10% discount and show your support.

WOD: Saturday

For those around on the weekend Chloe will be competing at the Noosa Teen Invitational (CrossFit Noosa). If you are around Chloe and the Teens would love your support. There will only be one session as we will be heading to Noosa to support Chloe.

Come on in at 7am to join Marie for a “FUN” Surprise WOD.

WOD: Friday

Note: Join Danielle for Open Gym and 5pm sessions.

For time:
15 Burpee Pull-ups
45 Deadlift
45 Toes to bar
15 Burpee Pull-ups
45 Deadlift
45 Toes to bar
15 Burpee Pull-ups

WOD: Thursday

1. Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
2. Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
3. Squat Snatch
Build in weight on level 1 until the muscle snatch becomes limiting, then move on to level 2 until the power snatch becomes limiting, then build to a heavy squat snatch.

B. Overhead Squat 7 x 6 reps @ 70%+

Photo: A shout out to JD (our in house electrician) for completing our electrical work ready for the new rig installation. Thank you so much!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds:
In 2 minutes:
25 Wall Ball 9/6kg
Max calories rower

Rest 2 minutes

In 2 minutes:
20 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
Max calories bike

Rest 2 minutes

Photo: Cheryl. All of your small achievements come together to make huge achievements. We are so happy to share your journey Cheryl.