The WOD's

WOD: Monday

A. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Strict Pull-ups *
*Choose a movement and repetitions and maintain across the 10 minutes.

B. For Max reps:
5 minutes: Wall Ball 9/6kg
4 minutes: Burpees
3 minutes: Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
2 minutes: Toes to Bar
1 minute: Double-unders

WOD: Saturday

Current members come and join us at 7am for the WOD, or just at 8am for Olivia & Dan’s farewell BBQ breaky and Coastal CrossFit 13th birthday.
Hope to see you there!!!

1 Clean
1 Shoulder Press
1 Overhead Squat

Time Cap: 30mins.

WOD: Friday

For time:
60 Calorie row
50 Dumbbell Push Press (2×22.5/15kg)
40 Toes to Bar
50 Hand Release Push-ups
60 Calorie bike

Photo: Sam our Where’s WODy Team Captain. Thank you Sam for the huge efforts you put in during the IN-BOX OPEN. Thank you to Grant Williams for the photo.

WOD: Thursday

Just like that Coastal CrossFit has become a teenager. Chris and I started our CrossFit journey back in 2009. Everyday I continue to wake up with a spring in my step – loving what we do!!!
Thank you to everyone (old and new) who have supported us- shared our adventures and made awesome memories. What a journey it has been!!
We are continuing to enjoy the journey and are so proud of our community, our family and doing life the way we want – thank you for joining us.

We have been blessed with so many long term members who have become such an integral part of our lives (you know who you are)-
Our lives are greater because you are a part of it.
A very special mention to our very first athletes who have travelled this journey right by our side since day 1- Chantal & Andrew.
Your friendship, ongoing love & support is something so rare in life- we cherish you!!!

30-20-10-5 reps for load:
Hang Power Cleans *

*Aim for the heaviest weight for unbroken sets. Increment for each set.
*Cut off 30 minutes- Use it all.
*Repetitions to be completed unbroken for RXD.

WOD: Wednesday

Five x 3 minute cycles for max reps:
30 Overhead Plate Lunge 20/15kg
15 Burpees onto plate
Max rep pull

*Rest 3 minutes

Note: Scale appropriately to allow for at least 1 minute on the pull.
Choose a pull option that allows you to work through repeatable sets/volume.

Photo: Dan. Photo courtesy of Grant Williams.
The Open was the perfect time to test how good we are at exercising and this guy was great. Making huge gains, personal best thrusters and achieving Ring Muscle-ups are just the start. So awesome Dan!!!

WOD: Tuesday

A. Five sets:
Bench Press 10 reps
Deadlift 5 reps (Regrip each rep)

*Choose the heaviest weight you are able to complete and maintain the prescribed repetitions for across all 5 sets.

B. Surprise finisher

Photo: Dr. Michael Walsh- He talks the talk and walks the walk.
A perfect example of working towards better health and fitness- quality of life. It is great to see you moving from strength to strength and providing lots of inspiration along the way.

WOD: Monday

Seven rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (2×22.5/15kg)
50 Double-unders
12 Toes to Bar

Photo: Beth hitting the Thrusters during Open 2022. Beth is a regular at our 9:15am session. Joining us in December, Beth has been a regular at our 9:15am class. It has been great to get to know you and being a part of your fitness journey.
Thank you to Grant Williams for the photo.

WOD: Saturday

A. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
Max rep Ring Row
Run 100m

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
Max rep Push-ups
Run 100m

B. Tabata (8rounds 20sec work/10sec rest)

Photo: Deb taking on the world!!!
Congratulations Deb for setting goals and working towards them. Top 50 Oceania was the goal- Finishing in 42nd. Awesome work Deb- you are just getting better!!!

WOD: Friday

For time:
Run 800m
50 Power Snatch 35/25kg
100 Toes to Bar
50 Power Snatch 35/25kg
Run 800m

*Note: Various scaling options will be available.

Photo: One for the ladies and kids. Triathlon Pink
Many of you know the battle Sas has had over the past few years, so this one is close to all of our hearts. If you are keen to join or know more ask join Facebook Triathlon Pink – ‘Sas Crew’ or talk to Sas or Marie in the box.

WOD: Thursday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Pull-ups *
Strict Shoulder Press *
Row 200m

*Choose a pull movement where 10 reps represents approx. 70% of a max set. Eg. If you can complete 14-15strict C2B pull-ups- C2B should be your pull-up option.
*Choose approx. 70% of 1RM for the Shoulder Press
Note: As always further scaling options will be available.

Photo: Mark at the start of a Wall Climb. Thanks to Grant Williams for the photo.