The WOD's

WOD: Friday

Open 22.2 will be released at 6am. Join us in the box at 5:30am session for the live CrossFit Open announcement.

10 sets (1 every 30 seconds): Clean & Jerk (hold light load) Rest 7 sets (1 every 45 seconds) Clean & Jerk (hold moderate load) Rest 7 sets (1 every 90 seconds) Clean & Jerk (Build in load).

Photo: Magic Mike & The Funky Bunch- Loud and Proud!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Overhead Squats 5-5-5-5-5
*Taken from rack

B. Opposing ladder of:
Overhead Lunge 20/15kg plate (20-18-16…..2)
Toes to Bar (1-2-3-4…..10)

*Advanced athletes (lunging machines) 2 x Dumbbell Over head lunge.

Photo: One of our awesome Team Captains- Nata from Hakuna MaSQUATa.
Not only is she one of the best humans I know, she is a beast of an athlete and is only getting better… Awesome work Nata!!!

WOD: Wednesday

In 5 minutes:
Run 560m
20 Burpees
In 4:30 minutes:
Run 560m
20 Burpees
In 4:00 minutes:
Run 560m
20 Burpees
In 3:30 minutes:
Run 560m
20 Burpees
In 3:00 minutes:
Run 560m
20 Burpees

Photo: Oliva smashing her way through 22.1. Special thanks to Grant Williams grant_a_w

WOD: Tuesday

A. Five sets:
Front Squat x 7 reps (bar taken from ground)
Kipping/Chest to bar pull-ups *

*Advanced athletes perform a challenging set (approx 80% of max reps)
*Up & coming athletes work to your individually prescribed repetitions in as few sets as possible.

B. Tabata (8rounds of 20 sec on/10 sec off)
Strict Sit-ups or Toes to bar

Photo: Danielle nailing Wall walks on Saturday (even though she couldn’t get into the box).

WOD: Monday

What an amazing Saturday morning!! Despite the weather we had 30 people hit the Open workout and it did not disappoint. Well done to our awesome Team captains – Themes and dress up were on point. Beware the Open Team Spam over the next few weeks 😀

All sessions Monday will be Open 22.1. Timings may be a little out as we will run in heats with allocated judges. All athletes will be required to be there at the start of the session for warm-up, brief and strategy.
Please ensure you have read all movement standards prior to coming in to make the day easier to run.

CrossFit Open workout 22.1
Complete as many rounds as
possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs

Or for those not wanting to repeat:
A. Five rounds of:
Bike 800m
60 second plank hold

B. Optional:
EMOM x 10 minutes:
Strict Pull-ups

Photo: Some of the crew from Saturday. Reminder we encourage all crew to wear your team dress-ups tomorrow (points awarded for best efforts across the day).

WOD: Saturday

Our main event will kick off tomorrow. We ask all athletes to be at the box by 7am for the athlete brief. Heats will be allocated and will continue to run until all athletes have completed the WOD.
Join your team (in costume) and our community for lots of fun.

CrossFit Open workout 22.1
Complete as many rounds as
possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs

Please ensure you have read all movement standards prior to coming in to make the day easier to run.

Photo: This mornings 5:30am was a little disrupted (in a good way) with the Open announcement.

WOD: Friday

Our favourite time of year is here!!
CrossFit Open 22-1 will be announced today CrossFit Open 2022.
Watch this video so you know what to expect.

Athletes will have SATURDAY from 7am and all day Monday to complete the workout. A small crew will hit it during Open gym – please note# we want to get as many people as possible competing on Saturday and Monday.
Get your team attire on and get ready for some FUN!!!!

Five rounds of:
Dumbbell Bench Press 12-15 reps
Strict Gymnastic Pull 8-12 reps
*Rest as necessary between movements.

TEAM CHALLENGE: Points awarded for Theme/dress up & Team Spirit.
Can’t wait to see everyone in theme on Saturday. Whether you are completing the WOD on Saturday or not, come along and cheer your team on. The more the merrier!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

B. Three rounds for time of:
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
10 Toes to Bar

Photo: When the Suns out, Lloyd’s Guns are out!!! Why wouldn’t you??
Summer at its best!!!

WOD: Wednesday

EMOM x 30 min.
1. Air Bike (calories)
2. Sit-up
3. Rest
4. Double-unders
5. Push-ups
6. Rest
*Score = total reps. 2 Double-unders = 1 rep.

Photo: Kim working her way through DT. Her goal was to achieve 1 Push Jerk at 25kg, but she absolutely smashed her goal achieving multiple rounds and looking easy doing it. We are looking forward to seeing what you will achieve in the Open.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Two position Clean:
1. Below the knee
2. Ground

B. 10-1 reps for load of:
*Working 1:1 with a partner.
*7 minute cut off.

Photo: This super hero aka Grant Williams has joined our 1000 Club. Awesome work Grant!!