WOD: Monday
Partner workout:
For time:
75cal Bike (50 stroke change over)
100cal Row (25 stroke change over)
10 x 180m Run (YGIG)
Photo: Adults arts and craft over the weekend. Thank you Chris for our new gym addition. #Maverickstrengthequipment
Partner workout:
For time:
75cal Bike (50 stroke change over)
100cal Row (25 stroke change over)
10 x 180m Run (YGIG)
Photo: Adults arts and craft over the weekend. Thank you Chris for our new gym addition. #Maverickstrengthequipment
Come on in for a “FUN” Surprise.
Congratulations to our amazing Masters League crew. You guys have been nothing but inspirational these past 4 weeks. So many personal achievements – and always bringing that extra 10%.
Four round for time of:
Run 180m
15meter Walking Lunge
Run 180m
Bearcrawl with Deadball 12/9kg
Run 180m
Broad Jump
Row (Match Broad jump no. with Calories)
Photo: Dob getting Open prepped. Thank you to Grant Williams for always being on hand to capture these moments.
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
8 Dips
12 Sit-ups
40 Double- unders
*Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 6 minutes:
6 Dips
10 Sit-ups
30 Double-unders
*Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 4 minutes
4 Dips
8 Sit-ups
20 Double-unders
Photo: Welcome to our 750CLUB Mark M. Awesome work!!!
Weightlifting session- Technique focus
A. Two position Clean:
1. Below the knee
2. Ground
B. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
*Increase in weight over the five sets.
Photo: Lou. Our Masters League crew have been amazing. This Friday will be the final week. We would love to get as many supporters in the box as possible for their final WOD.
Awesome work to our Masters League crew- Smashing it out in the box Friday afternoon. Soooo awesome to watch!!!
Let’s have some fun outside with a BEACH WOD.
Time: 7:30am.
Where: Meet at Minkara Park.
This is the street running adjacent to BFresh.
Map here
Chipper time.
For time:
50 Parallette Shoot Through
75 Toes to Bar
100 Dumbbell Push Press 22.5/15kg
125sec Flexed Arm Hang
*Partition anyhow
Photo: Our IN-BOX OPEN Team Captains. Which team will take the WIN in 2022?? Magic Mike & the Funky Bunch, Where’s WODy, DEADLIFTERS & Hakuna MaSQUATa. STAY TUNED!!!
Weightlifting session- Technique focus
A. Three position Clean:
1. Mid thigh hang
2. Below the knee
3. Ground
B. Optiona: 2000m Run/Row/Bike
Yes this is the same as last week. Yes this is intentional. This is a chance to consolidate what you learnt last week.