The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

3 cycles for max repetitions:
3 min AMRAP:
10 Pull-ups
45 Double-unders
3 min AMRAP:
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
10 Calorie Row

*18 minutes of continuous work, alternating between AMRAPs.

Photo: Dob smashing legless rope climbs. Thank you Grant Williams Photography.

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg

Compare to last time here

Photo: Congratulations to our beautiful, hardworking girl who has been selected as part of the Australian Weightlifting Federation – High Performance Youth Squad -giving her the opportunity to develop her Olympic lifting with the best Weightlifting Coaches in Australia.
Those that know her would agree this is so well deserved.
A special mention and thankyou to her Coach Barry Harden #SunshineCoastWeightlifting.

WOD: Monday

A. 2-4-6-8-10 Touch and Go Power Cleans
Rest 3 minutes
10-8-6-4-2 Touch and Go Power Cleans
*Maintain load on the ascent.
*Aim to increase load for each set on the descent.
*Timing: Alternate your efforts with a partner (YGIG).

B. For load/time:
1 Power Clean, 2 Push-ups, 3 Squats
2 Power Cleans, 4 Push-ups, 6 Squats
3 Power Clean, 6 Push-ups, 9 Squats
4 Power Cleans, 8 Push-ups, 12 Squats
5 Power Clean, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats
4 Power Cleans, 8 Push-ups, 12 Squats
3 Power Clean, 6 Push-ups, 9 Squats
2 Power Cleans, 4 Push-ups, 6 Squats
1 Power Clean, 2 Push-ups, 3 Squats
*12 minute cut off.
*Power Cleans are touch and go.
*Use your result from Part A. to help determine your load. This is a low volume workout which relies on correct (challenging) weight selection to have the desired outcome.

Photo: Olivia hitting Rope Climbs. Thank you to Grant Williams photography for the awesome photos.

WOD: Saturday

Our teams have been drafted (check members Facebook). Thank you to all of our amazing TEAM CAPTAINS.

Its time for a “SATURDAY SUPRISE”. See you in the morning.

Both 7am & 8am are open. Be sure to book in.

Photo: Jo – Masters League. It has been awesome to watch our Masters League athletes hitting the WODs. Great effort to all completing their WOD2. Once again amazing atmosphere in the box.

WOD: Friday

Reminder: Our Masters athletes will be hitting 22.2 from 5pm, followed by the IN-BOX OPEN DRAFT at 6pm. Bring your pom poms down early to show some support.
*Bring a healthy share plate, a couple of drinks and join us for a fun afternoon.
*All names of registered athletes will be drawn from a hat and allocated a team. It is not too late to REGISTER!!

Seven round for time:
7 Thrusters 50/35kg
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
35 Double-unders

*The aim of the workout is to keep loading for thrusters and scaling option for pull-ups that allows for largely (if not all) unbroken repetitions.
15 minute cut-off.

Photo: Henning- Game Face!!! Thanks to Grant Williams Photography.

WOD: Thursday

Weightlifting session- Technique focus
Three position Clean:
1. Mid thigh hang
2. Below the knee
3. Ground

B. Optional:
2000m Row/4000m Bike

WOD: Wednesday

Five x 4 minute rounds of:
Run 180m
Incrementing ladder of:
Wall Walk
(1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5reps …)
Rest 1 minute

*Each round starts with a run, athlete start back at 1 rep Candlestick/Wallwalk, then 2 reps, etc)

*Score is total repetitions achieved over all rounds.

Photo: Deb. Masters League Spam. Why? Because we can and we are so proud of the achievements. Thank you to Grant Williams photography.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Front Squat 7 x 1 Tempo + 2
Tempo Front Squat (3-1-X-2)*
*Aim to increase in weight from last week.

B. Three rounds for max repetitions:
Min 1. Pistols
Min 2. Push ups
Min 3. Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Photo: Moments like this!!! Lexi hitting PB Snatch multiple times during Masters League. Thank you again to Grant Williams for capturing these awesome moments.

WOD: Monday

*Awesome work to our Masters League athletes. We have a few more athletes completing their first workout early this week.

AMRAP in 20minutes:
2 Rounds:
10 Power Snatch 42.5/30kg
10 Knees to Elbow

Rest 1 minute

2 Rounds:
10 Power Clean 42.5/30kg
10 Toes to Bar

Rest 1 minute

*Rest 1 minute after completing every 2 rounds.

Photo: Billie – Completing ML 22.1 and hitting her all time PB Snatch of 35kg, 21 times. Beast mode!!!
A huge thank you to Grant for capturing our athletes in action.


Our Masters League crew hit their first workout Friday afternoon. It was a mazing to see so many personal best being achieved and to have so much support. A huge thank you to Andy and Jo for organising and to all of the crew that come in to judge/support. Xo For time: Run 560m Run with Kettlebell + Kettlebell Swings Run 560m Run with Deadball + Ball slam Run 560m Run with Dumbbell + Dumbbell Snatch Photo: Our favourite Austrian struggled with the heat but found a solution.