The WOD's

WOD: Monday

A huge thank you to everyone for an awesome Saturday afternoon/night. Special mention of Barb, Mel and Olivia for doing all of the behind the scene work so we can just have fun.

30 minute incrementing ladder of:
Cindy rounds (1-2-3-4…) *
Run 180m

*1 round of Cindy=
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

*Complete 1 round of Cindy, run 180m, then 2 rounds of Cindy, run 180m, 3 rounds of Cindy….

*Strict Pull-ups for advanced athletes.

Photo: Congratulations to our best dressed: 80’s exercise- Russ & Kim. This photo doesn’t do Russ’s shorts justice ;D

WOD: Saturday

Time to get Strong!!

A. For load:
15m Front Rack Carry
15 minutes 5-7 heavy efforts

B. For load:
2 x 15m Farmers Carry
15 minutes 5-7 heavy efforts

Photo: Some 80s exercise inspiration for the men. We look forward to celebrating with you all tonight.

WOD: Friday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 Bar Muscle-ups
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
4 Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
Rest 1 minute.

Option B:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
4 Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
Rest 1 minute.

Option C:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
6 Pull-ups
50 Double-unders
Rest 1 minute.

Photo: Some 80s exercise inspiration for Saturday night!!! Be ready to razzle and dazzle!!!

WOD: Thursday

For time:
30 Overhead Lunge 50/35kg
20 Toes to Bar
Run 560m
40 Front rack Lunge 50/35kg
20 Toes to Bar
Run 560m
50 Back Rack Lunge 50/35kg
20 Toes to Bar
Run 560m

Photo: A shout out to one of our beautiful Mumma’s to be – Sally. We are so happy to be able to share such a special time with you. You amaze me everyday 😀

WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Deadball Over the Shoulder (ea.)
10 Cal Row (ea.)
50m Dumbbell Overhead Carry (ea.)
10 Cal Bike (ea.)
*This is a partnered workout where each partner will perform the reps in a you go, I go format.

WOD: Tuesday

A. 12 minutes to build up in weight:
Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (3 reps per side) *
*Each rep is completed as Hang power snatch + OHS (3 x left side, then right side)
*Build in load

B. Back Squat 1RM (TEST TIME!!! Whooo hoooo!!!)
Let’s see what difference the progression has been making.

May the strength and with you!!!

WOD: Monday

A. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Dumbbell Bench Press *

Scale: Pull-up 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 (For those with pull-ups but requiring reduced volume)

*The goal is to move through repetitions as unbroken as possible with minimal rest breaks between movements and keeping an elevated heart rate.
Choose your own load for bench with the goal of unbroken repetitions. Choose a pull-up movement to match the difficultly of bench (aiming for unbroken).

Record load/pull movement.


For time: 50 Cal row 50 Push press 40/30kg 50 Box step over 20" (1 X 22.5/15kg db) 50 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg 50 Toes to bar 50 Hang Power Cleans 40/30kg Have fun!!!

WOD: Friday

A. Six rounds for time of:
Run 360m
20 Burpees

B. Optional:
EMOM x 10 minutes
3-5 Strict Pull-ups
*Maintain reps across all rounds
*Add weight as necessary and maintain.

Photo: Barb- one of the best smiles I know 😀

WOD: Thursday

A. Clean & Jerk x EMOM x 4 mins
1 every 20 seconds (maintain light load)
Rest 1 minute
Clean & Jerk x EMOM x 4 mins
1 every 30 seconds (maintain medium load)
Rest 1 minute
Clean & Jerk x EMOM x 7 mins
1 every 60 seconds (Increase in weight)

B. Partner barbell cycling:
For time:5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 reps of:
Touch and go Power Clean

*YGIG format. Both partners to complete all work (I.e 30 reps each). Partner 1, 5reps, partner 2, 5reps, partner 1, 5 reps, partner 2, 5 reps, then 4’s, etc. *Choose the heaviest load that allows you to move through smooth touch and go repetitions on all sets, with minimal rest (swap as soon as your partner has completed their reps).